Macro Group Active Only for a Specific User Account?

You may be able to do this by turning off KM Sync and syncing instead by relocating the Keyboard Maestro Application Support files to Dropbox via a Symlink.

I have not tried it, but I suspect that would sync your macros but not the KM environment itself.

Hi @feinberj - Using the AppleScripts of my previous post I've put together a couple of macros for you to either use yourself, or use as examples upon which to base your own approach.

The first macro is a KM v10 subroutine that takes 2 parameters -

  1. the name of the macro group
  2. the action you want to perform on that group: Enable, Disable, Flip and Get

Enable and Disable are self-explanatory; Flip toggles the state of the group between enabled and disabled; Get just gets the group's current state. I could've written this entirely in AppleScript but I wanted to keep it simple! And be aware, that if you do not have KM Synch turned on then these macros are ineffective. It also returns a single value - a string that reflects the current state of the macro group once the subroutine has run: either "Enabled" or "Disabled". This is returned regardless of the action you've asked it to perform.

The second macro is just a test harness that allows you to exercise the subroutine in a controlled way and show you how it might be used in practice. Here it is:
Test [LIB]_Manage Synched Macro Group Status.kmmacros (2.6 KB)

KM 1 2021-12-16_10-34-28

The first 2 actions (green) let you set up the 2 parameters; the third action (teal) actually calls the subroutine; the last action (red) displays the result - which is the current state of the macro group after the subroutine has done its thing. You don't need this last action - I included it so I could see that the thing actually works properly.

Here is the subroutine macro (the one that does all the hard work):
[LIB]_Manage Synched Macro Group Status.kmmacros (9.4 KB)

I hope you find that helpful, but please note that even though I've done some testing I can't guarantee that these macros are free of bugs, so you use them with that knowledge and at your own risk!


Yes. It is not only possible but standard on any Mac. Because each time a different User logs into a Mac they will have their own version of Keyboard Maestro with all their own Settings and Macros. They can even set up their own independent Sync, separate from your User Account.

I have a similar situation to you, where my wife logs into a Mac to do her work and has her own set of Keyboard Maestro Macros. Any of mine that I might want to add to her set I just export and double-click on her computer to add them in and vice versa. It's worked well.

Hi @tiffle - thanks for the macro set and the detailed description! I will give this a try but it may take me a few days. Things have gotten very busy at my day job! :slight_smile:
