MACRO: Import Quick Macro v2.1 - Updated Jan 10, 2022 (It works now)


Download and unzip this file:

Import Quick Macro (9.8 KB)

It's a text file. Open it and copy the contents.

Find this action:


Replace what's in there with the new script.

Then run the Import again and post a screenshot of the error message.

We'll have to follow this workflow a few times until I can narrow down the problem.



Sorry for the delay. I had to come down from the Steelers game. :slight_smile:

I replaced the data per your instructions. Nothing happened. No Error and no new macro creation. Let me know if you need any logs.

No problem. I'm willing to battle this with you.


No worries.

Nothing happened. No Error and no new macro creation.

Dang! What a PITA. OK, time to start logging a bunch of stuff. I'll get back to you.

OK, I think I've got a handle on it. I'll post something later this evening, or tomorrow.

Bet. I’ll keep testing as long as you keep trying. Take care.

Remove your old macros, and give this a try:

Import Quick (15.6 KB)

1 Like

@DanThomas!!! You did it! The perseverance of the great Dan Thomas!

  • Once I imported the macro(s), the Import Quick Macro ran, with no errors, but created the initial and stubborn 999 year old macro.
  • Then, after running the Import Quick Macro Picker a few times and landing at QuickMacro4, there was resounding success. As you indicated, you only really have to run this once you find the proper UUID/Quick Macro.plist placement
  • I tested this 12 times before and each worked perfect!

Thank you so much for your time and skill set in creating and fixing this! I am very appreciative of your efforts!


Awesome! Thanks for all your diligence. :slight_smile:

The fix is actually pretty silly - meaning the problem was silly to begin with. I think I wrote that code before I knew much about how the internals of KM worked. Once I said to myself "You know how to do this, you've done it a bunch of times before!" and stripped out the poorly-written code and replaced it with how I do things now, it was pretty easy.

I still expect strange things now and then, because of those quick macros that won't go away. But time will tell. Keep me posted if something goes wonky, and particularly if you ever have to do the Picker again.

I'll update the OP now.



Just wanted to report that the UUID selection did change. Thank goodness you added the Import Picker. BRILLIANT move Sir! Kudos and Thanks again!


Do you think this is a new UUID, or is it one of the old ones? Because I'm thinking that I could initially filter out the ones you've already "crossed off the list", so to speak. You may not be able to tell, since I don't actually show you the UUIDs.

Let me know what you think.


I have no idea. I've copied the UUID, of my latest Imported Quick Macro, and searched inside the Quick Macro.plist and I see nothing remotely close.

You are correct. But, I'm willing to battle if you want to test a filter theory. :slight_smile:


OK, cool.

Add the action in green:

The text is %Variable%Local_UUIDs%.

Run the picker, then you can cancel it. Paste the clipboard into a text editor, and it should look something like this, only longer :slight_smile:

31393F5A-FB52-4BF5-A1CA-4252B04A0523__✓Quick Macro1
39CC17A4-6CEE-4837-BA3B-11FD38791A80__Quick Macro2

You can see the Quick Macro UUIDs, before the double-underscores.

So just save these somewhere, and the next time you have to run the picker, see if the new Quick Macro uses any of the old Macro UUIDs, or if it gets a new one.

I hope that makes sense.

It makes total sense. Right now the check mark is on the Quick Macro1 (there are 7 of them) whereas before I had to select Macro4 for it to work.

I'll run several tests and jot it in this text file. I'll report back to you since it took several days for this one to need a picker change.

Thank you!

Thanks so much, and no hurry. I'm only just now starting to use it again, since I got so used to it not working. So it's OK if it takes a while to get there. At least it's working now!! :confetti_ball: