Which accomplishes the same thing I believe. Nowhere though does it actually give me what I want though What @DanThomas created with this macro is pretty much what I was looking for, only missing this one thing to make it incredibly robust.
I really appreciate the utility of this amazing script. I use it daily. But would it be possible to extend it as I have mentioned above where it would let users cycle through active tabs that all fall into the matching of the parameter. So if I have a macro like this :
And have multiple stack overflow pages, I wish I could jump between them with each macro trigger. Or if I had multiple GitHub repositories, it would do the same.
Would save me a lot of time and be so so useful.
Thank you and I hope you will consider adding such support.
# Auth: Christopher Stone
# dCre: 2017/01/06 19:04
# dMod: 2017/03/06 17:40
# Appl: Safari
# Task: Serially switch between tabs having the same domain (or other filter text in the URL) in the front window.
# : 2017/03/06 – Now opens a new tab if the urlFilterText isn't found.
# Libs: None
# Osax: None
# Tags: @Applescript, @Script, @Safari, @Serially, @Switch, @Tabs, @Domain, @Filter, @Front, @Window
# Vers: 2.0
set urlFilterText to "forum.keyboardmaestro.com"
set urlToFetch to "https://forum.keyboardmaestro.com"
tell application "Safari"
tell front window
set filteredTabIndexList to index of tabs where its URL contains urlFilterText
set currentTabIndex to index of current tab
if filteredTabIndexList = {} then -- New
set tabURL to URL of current tab
tabURL -- will be undefined if the page is blank and throw an error
# If the above line does NOT error:
make new tab at end of tabs with properties {URL:urlToFetch}
set current tab to last tab
on error
# Tab is blank, so we'll just use it.
set its current tab's URL to urlToFetch
end try
end if
if currentTabIndex is in filteredTabIndexList and currentTabIndex ≠ (last item of filteredTabIndexList) then
set listItemOffset to getListItemOffset(filteredTabIndexList, currentTabIndex) of me
set current tab to tab (item (listItemOffset + 1) of filteredTabIndexList)
set current tab to tab (item 1 of filteredTabIndexList)
end if
end tell
end tell
on getListItemOffset(theList, listItemValue)
if listItemValue is not in theList then error "getListItemOffset(): “listItemValue” is not in “theList”!"
repeat with listItemNum from 1 to (length of theList)
if (item listItemNum of theList) = listItemValue then
return listItemNum
end if
end repeat
end getListItemOffset