MACRO or PLUGIN: Open or Refresh a URL in a Tab (Safari & Chrome)

Hello John_C
Happy New Year!
I am Pathy, a KM newbie. I messaged Dan about the "Can't convert types" error with Safari but I guess he's not around. I then noticed your fix(?) for this problem in Jun 2020.
Did you by chance attach the wrong macro (Prompt with List) instead of the one with your fix (v1.1a)?


Use the 'at' symbol. This will flag Dan directly.

Like This. @DanThomas

LOL, sorry you're getting the runaround here, but v1.1a was uploaded by @John_C . John - care to comment?

Hi Dan,
I tried to download John's v1.1a but wound up with a totally different macro instead. I asked John if he had accidentally uploaded something else by mistake but haven't heard back from him yet.

In the meantime, I found

MACRO: Activate, Reload, or Open Browser Tab, v3.1 by _jimsIt works very similarly and I have started using it.


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Hi Dan, Thank you very much for the very useful plugin. I want to know if it is possible to add wildcard at any place in the url or only at the end?

Thanks again!