Macro requires I hit the hotkey combo twice

Created a macro to do the following with Safari:

  • If it is not running or does not have an open window activate the app.


  • Merge all the windows
  • Maximize
  • Bring it to the front of the monitor my mouse is on.

It works, only if I press my hotkey combo twice.

Macro attached.Merge All Windows in Safari & Maximize.kmmacros (7.3 KB)

Check the Engine.log file (Help ➤ Open Logs Folder), and see if the macro is being triggered twice, or if something else is going on.

Here is what I am getting in the log:

2019-11-09 05:08:04 Execute macro “Merge All Windows in Safari & Maximize” from trigger The Hot Key ⌃⌘S is pressed
2019-11-09 05:08:04 Execute macro “Merge All Windows in Safari & Maximize” from trigger The Hot Key ⌃⌘S is pressed
2019-11-09 05:08:05 Select Menu Item failed because the menu item Window➤Merge All Windows is disabled.

But all the windows merge, so it's not disabled.

The macro is being triggered twice. The first one is working, and the second one is failing because the windows are already merged and so the menu is now disabled.

So the question is why is the macro being triggered twice? The most likely possibility is that you have two copies of the Keyboard Maestro Engine running (generally this should be impossible).

Quit the Keyboard Maestro Engine, verify that no macros are triggering, and then relaunch the Keyboard Maestro Engine.

After exiting Keyboard Maestro from the dock with the right button, macro is still triggering. Does it mean that I have two copies of the Keyboard Maestro Engine running?

If you mean the Mac Dock, then you were quitting the KM Editor app (Keyboard, NOT the KM Engine.
To quit the KM Engine, you need to click on the KM Status menu in the Apple Menu, and select "Quit Keyboard Maestro Engine"