Macro to Toggle Between the Last 3 Apps Used

very smart macro. thanks very much
I realized 2 things

  • the if then else + timer action creates the cycle without additional commands, meaning that I after the keypress, I can choose whether to continue or not.
  • the Pause until key includes only the single key portion, not the CAPS or any supplementary second ⇧⌃⌥ ⌘ key.
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My one action Activate Last Application macro does not make any sense, and I apologize for that. Simply type Cmd-TAB. Thank you @dvandelay for bringing this to my attention. Fortunately, the discussion has evolved to the topic of keypress timing and demultiplication of shortcuts

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I'm using a note in Apple Notes, just a simple table, helps remember what have I assigned to which key.
So far the simplification has been working well, as there are less keys to remember.

I'm using the first word as a mnemonic aid, so Hyperkey-S runs one of two macros that start with a "S", i.e. Safari and Slack, depending on the time length of the key press.

very smart ! I will try it. Very interesting.

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