MACRO: Variable Inspector Prompt and Dictionary Editor v3.2a

I always used "PICNIC" - problem in chair, not in computer. :slight_smile:

If it were working right, you'd see a brief message in the bottom left that says something like "Data has been reloaded". It only stays there for a couple of seconds, but you should see it.

When you click that button, the macro 55)[VIP] Reload Global Data (called from the Inspector) should get triggered, So put a "Prompt for User Input" at the beginning of that macro, then try clicking "reload" again and see if the prompt comes up or not.

We'll debug further once we know the answer to that.

I like that, I'll have to add it to my repertoire.

So I added a Prompt for User Input action at the beginning of the 55 macro and nothing happens.

In the macro 40)[VIP] Setup Variable Inspector Prompt - Advanced (Subroutine), there's an action group named "reloadMacroUUID, if specified". When you expand it, it should look like this:


Can you verify that the UUID in the box matches the UUID of the macro 55)[VIP] Reload Global Data (called from the Inspector)? Thanks.

Verified that the UUID in the variable matches the 55 macro's UUID.

If you haven't done this before, run this from Terminal:

defaults write com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.engine WebKitDeveloperExtras -bool YES

Then run the VIP, right-click anywhere in the window, and select "Inspect Element".

It's impossible for me to know how it'll come up on your screen, but here's how it looks in mine:

The buttons I've boxed in red, on the left, control whether/how the built-in inspector is docked to my prompt, so mess with them if you need to.

Then click the "Console" tab I've marked in the red box on the right.

Once you've done that, click the Reload button. You may need to resize things to see the button, or even detach the built-in inspector from the prompt.

if it doesn't reload the data, I'm hoping it'll display something interesting in the console log.

Let me know. Thanks, by the way!

Doesn't appear to show anything in the Console... but I might not have done something right.

Always glad to help!

No, you did it right, assuming you clicked the Reload button before taking the screenshot.

Is there any chance the "55" macro is disabled?

Oh. My. God.

The macro wasn’t disabled... but the macro group was. :man_facepalming:

But it makes me question what I believed in... because I was under the impression that a macro that was executed via an Execute a macro action would execute regardless of whether it was enabled/disabled? I mean... that's the behavior I've seen in my macros... but maybe the if macro group is disabled it prevents any of it's contained macros from being executed?

Thank God, because I was about to run out of ideas! I love these kinds of errors that end up not being my fault. And I mean that, trust me. :raised_hands:

But it makes me question what I believed in... because I was under the impression that a macro that was executed via an Execute a macro action would execute regardless of whether it was enabled/disabled? I mean... that's the behavior I've seen in my macros... but maybe the if macro group is disabled it prevents any of it's contained macros from being executed?

I would have thought that if a macro OR it's group was disabled, you couldn't run it with Execute a Macro, so your experience is news to me.

But it's kind-of irrelevant in this situation, because I'm using a different mechanism to trigger the macro. Inside the Custom HTML Prompt, I'm using window.KeyboardMaestro.Trigger() to execute the macro, so it's certainly possible for it to work differently than "Execute a Macro".

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Not news to me I’m afraid…

Huh. Learn something new every day!

Haha believe me, I love errors that even if they are my own fault are the "well duh, why didn't I realize that earlier?" kind of error. :sweat_smile:

It makes since that if you are triggering the macro via a different mechanism it would react differently than the Execute a macro action.

Thanks for the link... I hadn't seen that one before but it confirms what I've seen and that it's a feature, not a bug... or at least from a certain point of view according to Peter haha. But I like it the way it's designed.

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Dan, I'm living my best KM life here. Thank you.

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Dan, a few q's please -

  • The version you're showing is 2.0.2, but the download is 2.0.1. Is this a typo, or am I downloading the wrong version?

  • In VIP, when I click on a dictionary, and ask VIP to copy the variable name, we crash. Have you encountered this behaviour?

Thanks man.

I have version 3 ready to upload, so I wouldn't worry about it. Hopefully a few more days.


I just uploaded version 3.0, which you can download from the first post.

Lots of hard work went into this new version. Let me know what you think.

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Hi Dan - so many glowing reports of this I thought I'd give it a go.

But, after copying the action into a macro a running the macro I get this and no sign of anything else. Any thoughts on what's wrong?

KM 0 2022-02-02_15-40-03

What OS are you using?

Mojave 10.14.6

Here's something to test. The prompt will act funny, but I want to know if anything else fails.

Download and unzip this file: (68.0 KB)

And put it in the action I show here, which is near the bottom:

Let me know if anything else generates an error.