Macros containing execute apple script no longer work suddenly

hello guys,
with the latest Mac OS update (monterey 12.7) suddenly all the macros containing execute apple script no longer work. Has this happened to anyone else or does anyone know how to fix the problem?
Thank you all.

Does KM have accessibility and automation permissions?

yes, all permission are active.
I ve unistalled and reinstalled KM too.
I'm afraid it's an operating system problem because as soon as I updated the system the Script they stopped working everywhwre.

I just solved it.
I found an indication here:

The cause is an AU audio plugin, and also in my case, as in the one described, the cause is a HORNET plugin.
It simply needs to be removed from his folder.

Strange however because this plugin has been installed for a long time and the problem appeared as soon as I updated Monterey to 12.7...

However, report the issue because it could be useful to other users who suddenly encounter this problem.

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Wow that's bizarre! Which plugin is it?

yes ;/
In my case is HORNET Song Key MK4.
You need to remove the AU file from the COMPONENT folder and install it again.