Make an alert sound when KM macro cancels itself

Is there a way to have KM make an alert sound when it cancels itself during a macro?

If you mean when the KM Engine terminates the Macro due to an error, then no, I don't think so. You should get a standard macOS Notification, but no sound that I am aware of.

But this would be a question for @peternlewis.

Peter, I DO have Notifications set in System Preferences to "Play sound...".
Why don't I get a sound?


The System Preferences are simply what Keyboard Maestro is allowed to do.

Keyboard Maestro does not request a sound to be played when it plays a notification.

No, there is no way to play an alert sound when a macro is canceled.

If you are actively canceling the macro (eg with the Cancel This Macro action), then obviously you could insert a Play Sound action before and play an alert sound first.

thanks for the awesome information.

Make an alert sound when KM macro cancels itself

this could be a great addition to KM @peternlewis

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Peter, please consider adding an option (preference) to always play a sound when KM cancels a macro due to error.

I think many, if not most, users would find this very helpful.



thanks issue is fixed.

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