Menu Bar Information Display in Keyboard Maestro 10

@rob not only emojis work. You can use any icon/image (36 x 36; PNG).

I use Bartender to hide most apps in the menu bar.
In my example I disable/enable the app AdGuard. Also with red/green.


I tried this with the new display indicator in KM (Macro Group), but the icons/images are displayed very delayed.

05)AdGuard <FBF3 211107T225609>.kmmacros (7,5 KB)

05)AdGuard <FBF3 211107T225609>

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I just tried images from file before seeing your post...

Unfortunately the images contained in AnyBar turn out as ovals instead of circles:


But you put me on the right path by mentioning 36x36 (they were 30x38)! After making the source image 36 x 36 it looks fine (to me):


EDIT: I did not see your edit with the macro when replying. To prevent confusion: I'm not changing an AnyBar icon here (did not know about that either; nice to know now!), but the icon of a KM10 Macro Group.

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Is Bartender having an issue with this KM menu bar thing? I can display one Macro group just fine, but then I created a second macro group to be displayed in menu bar, and it does NOT. And I do not see it in Bartender hiding either. Same settings, same everything. Only one shows! Is this limited to one macro group?

On checking, it does seem quite possible to find more than one KM group displayed in the Bartender menu and on the menu bar.

(macOS 11.6.1)

I did see two on my Mac.

Don’t know why we have different results…

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How do I copy these emoji 'symbols' to use for a macro group icon, without a background, when I copy and paste there is a green background....

Screen Shot 2021-11-09 at 8.30.39 AM

Hey there, you don't need to copy and paste them. You can simply double click the macro group icon which will open the Icon Chooser.

From there find the emoji you want to use, and then click Background and set the opacity to 0%

hi @cdthomer thank you much for your reply. I see that option with the KM Icon Chooser, but I'd like to use some symbols from the system prefs/keyboard/emoji palette.
Is this possible without the background? - NOTE - this just in =)
I had to adjust the Opacity as you displayed... so now I can use any of the system emojis....
thanx man

Screen Shot 2021-11-09 at 9.46.33 AM

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I've been using TextBar. This lets me eliminate one more third party hack. Nice!

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The only thing I am missing (possibly not feasible in the KM context ?) is TextBar's ability to specify font colour (TextBar does this using HTML syntax).

(For some reason I like to have a brief summary text and time count-down in orange against black, to stand out from the rest of the white-lettered – dark mode – menu bar)

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I see how to add macros to the menu bar, but I'm still not understanding how to display information there.

I see the examples above about using a Keyboard Maestro variable in the title, but can the macros themselves display information that's visible when you click on the menu bar item?

I guess what I'm really asking is: Can this replace TextBar/SwiftBar/BitBar?

The way to display information at menulet is to use custom title/variable and pass in variable.


One important concept to note is that the variable is a reactive variable. Any change make to the variable will automatically reflect in menulet.

"The macros themselves display information that's visible when you click on the menu bar item?"
Yes, at the macro group , the macro must be triggered by "The group status menu item is selected" , and it can reference variable in Display in menu item as well.


I using bitbar myself. I think KM's menu feature just complement, not replace. Bitbar is suitable for more involving requirement, but if your need is moderate/simple, KM's menu is suffice.