New Mac; All Brave Browser actions now using Safari...?

It's some kind of undocumented interaction between Keyboard Maestro and Brave (or something else), or just a bug in KM. It happened to me, too.


What worked for me was the following:

  1. I deleted all the browser preferences in KM per Peter Lewis's post:

defaults delete com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.engine AppleScriptSafariBundleID
defaults delete com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.engine BrowserSafariName
defaults delete com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.engine AppleScriptSafariName
defaults delete com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.engine AppleScriptGoogleChromeBundleID
defaults delete com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.engine BrowserGoogleChromeName
defaults delete com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.engine AppleScriptGoogleChromeName

  1. Then I ignored the accepted way to do it.
  2. I Created a macro called Primary Browser, set it to Activate Brave Browser.
  3. In macros, I first call that Activate Brave Browser macro.
  4. Then, the macros send all their commands to the Front Browser or directly to Brave, all manually changed from Default Application or Chrome-specific actions.

I've tried the approved way, replacing Chrome in preferences with Brave, a couple of times; it always ends in either or both KM ignoring the directive and sending to Chrome or Safari, or all browser commands failing.