New user, request for help with text manipulation in Bruji's BookPedia


So kind of you too to take so much trouble. What a forum. Thanks :slight_smile:!

I'm still learning KM, and so haven't used the OCR functionality at all - YET.

In addition to Sleepy's help, I'll gratefully try the Macro you wrote…!

Your regex in the second step does check for those possible spaces etc, doesn't it?

As I look through what you wrote, I can see I have a lot to learn. But the pay-off will be huge :slight_smile:.

So shall gladly try those videos.

Thanks again!

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I wouldn't call that third step a step at all. It's not required because steps one and two essentially perform that step. I know I glossed over that in my procedure. I guess I was thinking about getting lunch so I glossed over it. Or maybe that was too much detail for pseudocode.

You said my step 6 wasn't necessary. Well, yes, if you use Tab instead. The step is still necessary, you just found a different way to skin the same cat. I was thinking about tab but I didn't know how your app worked, so I figured if triple click worked once, it would definitely work twice.

It seems you are in control right now. The only thing you need is a way to split the string into two strings. GG provided one way to do that in his post. I was thinking along his lines, but regex is very flexible and I was thinking of a different way to skin that cat. But if his code works, just use it.

Apologies to Dr Seuss again for talking about skinning a cat in a hat.

Thanks for the nice things you said about me. Encouragement helps.

My lunch was fabulous. Country fried chicken with a large helping of both mashed potatoes, vegetables, and gravy. And cornbread. Today is the last today for some delicious entrees. But tomorrow they are adding some items to the menu, like brisket. To be honest I don't even know what brisket is.

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Thank you again. I'll see what progress I make in building a Macro and using GG's really helpful example.

I expect I'll have to make a few detours to become really familiar with the KM basics.

But - I wonder whether you realize it - you've both done something extremely helpful that you probably take for granted: confirmed that the best way to stroke this cat (I love animals so would never dream of skinning them :wink: ) is by clicking into fields and not trying to name or script them. That gets me a long way very quickly. Thanks.

Maybe you need to talk to your restaurant manager about why they choose Tuesday to change their menus.

Encouragement? You bet!

Back soon after some investigating and trial and error.

Thanks both!

I think we've steered you in the right direction. As long as your boat doesn't have a hole in it you should make it to your destination now. That tip about clicking to activate a field seemed to be really helpful to you. If there's a hole in your boat we can patch it up. But you've got the rudder right now and the wind is at your back. Bon voyage.

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It certainly was: I was imagining all sorts of other ways to automate selection of fields in that app. But the simplest one - using pointer and caret, mouse and screen location means I can eliminate those.

Provided - as GG says - I can consistently assume (and/or if necessary account for) the position of the window etc.

Half the time my code requires windows to be in certain positions on the screen. What I tend to do is move them into the upper left corner at the start of my macro, sometimes using this code. This way my hardcoded mouse positions will generally not fail because the window will be in a known fixed location. You should consider this too.


I should; and I will. Thanks.

From a quick experiment, BookPedia seems to keep its edit window always in the same place. But to be double-sure is a good step.

As I said, a novice user probably imagines all sorts of ways to work specifically in a field. Conventional scripting (e.g. locating and changing the contents of a field on a webpage in JavaScript) certainly tends towards naming the fields. To know that KM takes a different approach by choice has saved me hours of waiting in blind alleys :slight_smile: .

Here a more traditional (but presumably faster) approach with UI scripting (since Bookpedia doesn’t provide any AppleScript dictionary):


set {saveTID, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, {":"}}

# Max. number of records to be processed with one run
set maxEntries to 3

tell application "System Events"
  repeat with i from 1 to maxEntries
    tell application process "Bookpedia"
      tell window "Bookpedia"
        tell splitter group 1
          tell splitter group 2
            tell group 1
              tell scroll area 1
                tell table 1
                  tell row 1
                    tell text field 1
                        set oldTitle to its value
                        set newTitle to text item 1 of oldTitle
                        set newTitle to my trimLeadingSpaces(newTitle)
                        set originalTitle to text items 2 through -1 of oldTitle as text
                        set originalTitle to my trimLeadingSpaces(originalTitle)
                      on error
                        set originalTitle to ""
                      end try
                      perform action "AXShowMenu"
                      delay 0.1
                    end tell
                  end tell
                  click menu item "Edit…" of menu 1
                end tell
              end tell
            end tell
          end tell
        end tell
      end tell
      tell window oldTitle
        tell group 1
          tell scroll area 1
            delay 0.1
            set value of text field 1 to newTitle
            if originalTitle is not "" then set value of text field 3 to originalTitle
          end tell
        end tell
        tell button "OK" to perform action "AXPress"
      end tell
    end tell
  end repeat
end tell

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to saveTID

on trimLeadingSpaces(str)
  repeat with i from 1 to count of str
    if str begins with space then
      set str to text 2 through -1 of str
      exit repeat
    end if
  end repeat
  return str
end trimLeadingSpaces

Macro with the script:

[temporarily removed as we are debugging]

With this example dataset:

…it returns this…

It is required that in the editor window the “Original Title” is the third text field, like this:


More Notes:

  • In the current test form the script only runs on the first three entries. You can change this in the AppleScript (“maxEntries” variable.)

  • Currently the script only removes leading spaces for each of the re-defined fields. (Trailing spaces usually do no harm, but this can be implemented too.)

  • When you test the script, make sure the Bookpedia window is open.

  • The screen position of the windows doesn’t matter at all.

  • If you get an error like “Can’t get menu item…” try to uncomment the delay 0.2 (It’s the only commented line in the script.)

  • The script is meant as a test: if it basically works for you (on a couple of entries), then we can still refine it. (I have no clue what a window with 8000 records looks like, or if your database is somehow setup differently. I just downloaded the app and used the default setup.)

Edit 2019-08-20:

Updated script and macro, see also here.

Edit 2019-08-21T00:17+02:

  • Updated script
  • Removed macro download link (for the time of the debugging stage)

Edit 2019-08-21T02:43+02:

Updated script:

  • Colon-separated text items after the first colon go all into Original Title (leaving the colons in that part untouched)
  • Added some delays
  • No longer overwrites Original Title if we don’t have a value for it. (I know, you were OK with overwriting, but it is better this way, in case you are accidentally processing records you already had processed before. No data loss.)

I count three different solutions from three different people in this thread that have been given to you. You have the rudder. Pick your preferred path. But we're here to help if you get stuck. Each path has its own advantages.

One of my hobbies is to take intransigent macOS apps (or websites) and automate them even if they weren't designed to be automated... even if they are designed with self-defence mechanisms to prevent automation. So I have a few tricks up my sleeves. Bookpedia is a cakewalk compared to the apps/sites I automate, but I won't tell you what apps those are. I help people with their problems on this website when my problems are too difficult, or when I have a toothache, like now. :tooth: :sob: Yes, I'm getting that addressed. Another hobby is to build robots that use cameras to move. That's also difficult. I won't say much about what those robots are doing.

I actually have a fourth solution that might work, but it requires that your app be able to back up its database into a text file. If so, there's a much simpler solution than any of our solutions here. But I have no idea if your app has the ability to back up its book database into a text file. In fact it may already be stored in a text file, or multiple files. If this is actually the case, I could solve the problem in a single KM action, and a fairly simple one at that.

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Come on :thinking: :wink:

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Indeed, manipulating for example a CSV file would be the cleanest (and fastest) way.

Edit: …and the app can do it. Just checked.

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I'm willing to tell you that the robots are made out of a bunch of $9 servos which are controlled by a Phidgets servo controller which KM sends signals to based on the images coming from a camera. The servos and the controller look like these images I just got from the web. Physically the parts look like this image I found online:

2010_1 - PhidgetAdvancedServo Kit 4-Motor

So you know based on the size of these parts that I'm not exactly building a Terminator robot to send back in time to take Peter out before he builds Skynet using Keyboard Maestro.

Does that sate your hunger for information?

Hehe, haha! So we went through all that work when a single KM action with a single sed statement could probably do everything. Nice!

No regrets. I'm sure that 30% of the solutions we provide to people aren't the best solution simply because we don't have all the information.

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That’s what I feared :wink: So, glad to hear it’s not (yet) what you’re doing…

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I tend to agree :wink:

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I was expecting you to reply "more like 90%". Half of my posts are designed to manipulate people into responding with certain responses. But you didn't bite on this setup. My setup skills are failing me.

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Sometimes I'm polite and diplomatic…

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The thing with the CSV is that is not completely trivial to split an optionally colon-separated entry in the first column, and send the second part to the second column. And getting rid of spaces. Bit doable, of course.

Since you told me you didn’t download the app, here an example CSV dump (only 3 records) to play with (if you want): (900 Bytes)


Or here as tab-delimited one, if you prefer: Library (tab) (870 Bytes)

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I just caught your "yet" joke. Nice one. Big smile. I think the chance I'll ever build Skynet is under 1%. To be honest, I don't think any software that I've ever written has ever "learned" anything. I still have no idea what "learning" is. I can't even define it. But once I can define it, watch out. Five minutes after I understand what leaning is, Skynet will be born.


If the second column is always blank (a pair of empty quotes), I think it probably is nearly trivial. It's just a matter of moving the quotes. I could be wrong, but it feels quite trivial.

It always takes me an hour to get these things working.

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