Dang, I just knew that wasn't intuitive. Should have re-worded it. That's where you're supposed to put the code from the repository. Here is all you need for the example above:
var KMEngine = (function() {
var _engineApp;
function _escapeXml(str) {
return str.replace(/[<>&'"]/g, function (c) {
switch (c) {
case '<': return '<';
case '>': return '>';
case '&': return '&';
case '\'': return ''';
case '"': return '"';
function _replaceAll(str, find, replace) {
return str.replace(new RegExp(_escapeXml(find), 'g'), replace);
return {
deleteVariable: function(name) {
this.setVariable(name, "%Delete%");
doScript: function(uuidOrUniqueNameOrScript, parameter, timeout) {
if (parameter) {
if (timeout) {
this.getEngineApp().doScript(uuidOrUniqueNameOrScript, { withParameter: parameter }, { timeout: timeout });
} else {
this.getEngineApp().doScript(uuidOrUniqueNameOrScript, { withParameter: parameter });
} else {
if (timeout) {
this.getEngineApp().doScript(uuidOrUniqueNameOrScript, { timeout: timeout });
} else {
getEngineAppName: function() {
return "Keyboard Maestro Engine";
getEngineApp: function() {
if (!_engineApp)
_engineApp = Application(this.getEngineAppName());
return _engineApp;
getVariable: function(name, required) {
var result = this.getEngineApp().getvariable(name);
if (!result && required)
throw Error("Variable '" + name + "' is empty");
return result;
setVariable: function(name, value) {
this.getEngineApp().setvariable(name, {
to: value
// You should pass values for "title" and "message". The rest have default values.
showOkCancelMessagePrompt: function(title, message, okButtonText, cancelButtonText, resultVariableName) {
title = title || "";
message = message || "";
okButtonText = okButtonText || "OK";
cancelButtonText = cancelButtonText || "Cancel";
resultVariableName = resultVariableName || "showOkCancelMessagePromptResult";
var script =
'<dict> \n' +
' <key>Actions</key> \n' +
' <array> \n' +
' <dict> \n' +
' <key>MacroActionType</key> \n' +
' <string>SetVariableToText</string> \n' +
' <key>Text</key> \n' +
' <string>##cancelButtonText##</string> \n' +
' <key>Variable</key> \n' +
' <string>##resultVariableName##</string> \n' +
' </dict> \n' +
' <dict> \n' +
' <key>Buttons</key> \n' +
' <array> \n' +
' <dict> \n' +
' <key>Button</key> \n' +
' <string>##okButtonText##</string> \n' +
' <key>Cancel</key> \n' +
' <false/> \n' +
' </dict> \n' +
' <dict> \n' +
' <key>Button</key> \n' +
' <string>##cancelButtonText##</string> \n' +
' <key>Cancel</key> \n' +
' <true/> \n' +
' </dict> \n' +
' </array> \n' +
' <key>MacroActionType</key> \n' +
' <string>PromptForUserInput</string> \n' +
' <key>Prompt</key> \n' +
' <string>##message##</string> \n' +
' <key>TimeOutAbortsMacro</key> \n' +
' <true/> \n' +
' <key>Title</key> \n' +
' <string>##title##</string> \n' +
' <key>Variables</key> \n' +
' <array/> \n' +
' </dict> \n' +
' <dict> \n' +
' <key>MacroActionType</key> \n' +
' <string>SetVariableToText</string> \n' +
' <key>Text</key> \n' +
' <string>%Variable%Result Button%</string> \n' +
' <key>Variable</key> \n' +
' <string>##resultVariableName##</string> \n' +
' </dict> \n' +
' </array> \n' +
' <key>MacroActionType</key> \n' +
' <string>Group</string> \n' +
' <key>TimeOutAbortsMacro</key> \n' +
' <true/> \n' +
script = _replaceAll(script, "##title##", _escapeXml(title));
script = _replaceAll(script, "##message##", _escapeXml(message));
script = _replaceAll(script, "##okButtonText##", _escapeXml(okButtonText));
script = _replaceAll(script, "##cancelButtonText##", _escapeXml(cancelButtonText));
script = _replaceAll(script, "##resultVariableName##", _escapeXml(resultVariableName));
var result = this.getVariable(resultVariableName);
return result;
// You should pass values for "title" and "message". The rest have default values.
showOkMessagePrompt: function(title, message, okButtonText) {
title = title || "";
message = message || "";
okButtonText = okButtonText || "OK";
var script =
'<dict> \n' +
' <key>Buttons</key> \n' +
' <array> \n' +
' <dict> \n' +
' <key>Button</key> \n' +
' <string>##okButtonText##</string> \n' +
' </dict> \n' +
' </array> \n' +
' <key>MacroActionType</key> \n' +
' <string>PromptForUserInput</string> \n' +
' <key>Prompt</key> \n' +
' <string>##message##</string> \n' +
' <key>TimeOutAbortsMacro</key> \n' +
' <true/> \n' +
' <key>Title</key> \n' +
' <string>##title##</string> \n' +
' <key>Variables</key> \n' +
' <array/> \n' +
script = script
.replace("##title##", _escapeXml(title))
.replace("##message##", _escapeXml(message))
.replace("##okButtonText##", _escapeXml(okButtonText));
And for completeness's sake, here's the complete object, with all functions:
var KMEngine = (function() {
var _engineApp;
function _escapeXml(str) {
return str.replace(/[<>&'"]/g, function (c) {
switch (c) {
case '<': return '<';
case '>': return '>';
case '&': return '&';
case '\'': return ''';
case '"': return '"';
function _replaceAll(str, find, replace) {
return str.replace(new RegExp(_escapeXml(find), 'g'), replace);
return {
calculate: function(str) {
return this.getEngineApp().calculate(str);
convertStringToPlist: function(str) {
return ObjC.deepUnwrap(
$(str).dataUsingEncoding($.NSUTF8StringEncoding), 0, 0, null));
deleteVariable: function(name) {
this.setVariable(name, "%Delete%");
doScript: function(uuidOrUniqueNameOrScript, parameter, timeout) {
if (parameter) {
if (timeout) {
this.getEngineApp().doScript(uuidOrUniqueNameOrScript, { withParameter: parameter }, { timeout: timeout });
} else {
this.getEngineApp().doScript(uuidOrUniqueNameOrScript, { withParameter: parameter });
} else {
if (timeout) {
this.getEngineApp().doScript(uuidOrUniqueNameOrScript, { timeout: timeout });
} else {
executing: function() {
return this.getEngineApp().executing();
getActionsClipboardType: function() {
return "com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.actionarray";
getAllMacrosSourceFileName: function() {
return this.getAppSupportFolderName() + "Keyboard Maestro Macros.plist";
getAllVariableNames: function() {
return this.getEngineApp().variables.name();
getAppSupportFolderName: function() {
var app = Application.currentApplication();
app.includeStandardAdditions = true;
return app.pathTo('application support', { from: 'user domain' }) +
"/Keyboard Maestro/";
getEngineAppName: function() {
return "Keyboard Maestro Engine";
getEngineApp: function() {
if (!_engineApp)
_engineApp = Application(this.getEngineAppName());
return _engineApp;
getHotKeys: function(asString, getAll) {
return this.getEngineApp().gethotkeys({ asstring: !!asString, getall: !!getAll });
getHotKeysAsPlist: function(getAll) {
return this.convertStringToPlist(this.getHotKeys(true, getAll));
getMacrosClipboardType: function() {
return "com.stairways.keyboardmaestro.macrosarray";
getMacros: function(binary) {
return this.getEngineApp().getmacros({
asstring: !binary
getMacrosAsPlist: function(binary) {
return this.convertStringToPlist(this.getMacros(false));
getNamedClipboardInfo: function() {
var path = this.getNamedClipboardsSourceFileName();
var plist = this.readPlistBinaryFile(path);
var result = plist.map(function(item) {
return {name: item.Name, UID: item.UID};
result = result.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a.name < b.name) return -1;
if (a.name > b.name) return 1;
return 0;
return result;
getNamedClipboardsSourceFileName: function() {
return this.getAppSupportFolderName() +
"Keyboard Maestro Clipboards.plist";
getVariable: function(name, required) {
var result = this.getEngineApp().getvariable(name);
if (!result && required)
throw Error("Variable '" + name + "' is empty");
return result;
playSound: function(file, soundEffect, volume) {
var options = {};
if (soundEffect !== undefined)
options.soundeffect = soundEffect;
if (volume !== undefined)
options.volume = volume;
this.getEngineApp().playSound(file, options);
processTokens: function(str) {
return this.getEngineApp().processTokens(str);
readPlistBinaryFile: function(path) {
var data = $.NSData.dataWithContentsOfFile(path);
return ObjC.deepUnwrap(
data, $.NSPropertyListBinaryFormat_v1_0, 0, null));
reload: function() {
setVariable: function(name, value) {
this.getEngineApp().setvariable(name, {
to: value
// You should pass values for "title" and "message". The rest have default values.
showOkCancelMessagePrompt: function(title, message, okButtonText, cancelButtonText, resultVariableName) {
title = title || "";
message = message || "";
okButtonText = okButtonText || "OK";
cancelButtonText = cancelButtonText || "Cancel";
resultVariableName = resultVariableName || "showOkCancelMessagePromptResult";
var script =
'<dict> \n' +
' <key>Actions</key> \n' +
' <array> \n' +
' <dict> \n' +
' <key>MacroActionType</key> \n' +
' <string>SetVariableToText</string> \n' +
' <key>Text</key> \n' +
' <string>##cancelButtonText##</string> \n' +
' <key>Variable</key> \n' +
' <string>##resultVariableName##</string> \n' +
' </dict> \n' +
' <dict> \n' +
' <key>Buttons</key> \n' +
' <array> \n' +
' <dict> \n' +
' <key>Button</key> \n' +
' <string>##okButtonText##</string> \n' +
' <key>Cancel</key> \n' +
' <false/> \n' +
' </dict> \n' +
' <dict> \n' +
' <key>Button</key> \n' +
' <string>##cancelButtonText##</string> \n' +
' <key>Cancel</key> \n' +
' <true/> \n' +
' </dict> \n' +
' </array> \n' +
' <key>MacroActionType</key> \n' +
' <string>PromptForUserInput</string> \n' +
' <key>Prompt</key> \n' +
' <string>##message##</string> \n' +
' <key>TimeOutAbortsMacro</key> \n' +
' <true/> \n' +
' <key>Title</key> \n' +
' <string>##title##</string> \n' +
' <key>Variables</key> \n' +
' <array/> \n' +
' </dict> \n' +
' <dict> \n' +
' <key>MacroActionType</key> \n' +
' <string>SetVariableToText</string> \n' +
' <key>Text</key> \n' +
' <string>%Variable%Result Button%</string> \n' +
' <key>Variable</key> \n' +
' <string>##resultVariableName##</string> \n' +
' </dict> \n' +
' </array> \n' +
' <key>MacroActionType</key> \n' +
' <string>Group</string> \n' +
' <key>TimeOutAbortsMacro</key> \n' +
' <true/> \n' +
script = _replaceAll(script, "##title##", _escapeXml(title));
script = _replaceAll(script, "##message##", _escapeXml(message));
script = _replaceAll(script, "##okButtonText##", _escapeXml(okButtonText));
script = _replaceAll(script, "##cancelButtonText##", _escapeXml(cancelButtonText));
script = _replaceAll(script, "##resultVariableName##", _escapeXml(resultVariableName));
var result = this.getVariable(resultVariableName);
return result;
// You should pass values for "title" and "message". The rest have default values.
showOkMessagePrompt: function(title, message, okButtonText) {
title = title || "";
message = message || "";
okButtonText = okButtonText || "OK";
var script =
'<dict> \n' +
' <key>Buttons</key> \n' +
' <array> \n' +
' <dict> \n' +
' <key>Button</key> \n' +
' <string>##okButtonText##</string> \n' +
' </dict> \n' +
' </array> \n' +
' <key>MacroActionType</key> \n' +
' <string>PromptForUserInput</string> \n' +
' <key>Prompt</key> \n' +
' <string>##message##</string> \n' +
' <key>TimeOutAbortsMacro</key> \n' +
' <true/> \n' +
' <key>Title</key> \n' +
' <string>##title##</string> \n' +
' <key>Variables</key> \n' +
' <array/> \n' +
script = script
.replace("##title##", _escapeXml(title))
.replace("##message##", _escapeXml(message))
.replace("##okButtonText##", _escapeXml(okButtonText));