Open the Finder Contextual Menu Via the Keyboard

Yes, for the Finder anyway, using AppleScript. And for all other Apps using Keyboard Maestro's Move to Found Image Action to move and right-click at the highlighted item.

First the AppleScript approach (this AppleScript is from @eurobubba in this past post: Has Anyone Figured Out a Way to Replicate the Windows "Menu Key" on a Mac Using KM? - #8 by eurobubba)

.NOTE - this only works in the Finder (but as that was your need, maybe this will do it for you).

Once this Macro has opened the context menu of the selected file, you can select the menu item you want by either having Keyboard Maestro type the first letters of its name or by having Keyboard Maestro simulate arrow keys to move to the item you want.

Finder - Open Context Menu.kmmacros (4.5 KB)

on run
  on error msg number errno
    if errno is not -128 then
      display alert msg message "Error Number : " & errno
    end if
  end try
end run

on main()
  --activate application "Finder"
  tell application "System Events"
    tell application process "Finder"
      set frontmost to true
      set ui to value of attribute "AXFocusedUIElement"
      tell application "Finder" to activate
      set a_class to class of ui
      if a_class is outline then
        tell ui
            perform action "AXShowMenu"
          on error
          end try
        end tell
      else if a_class is scroll area then
        tell outline 1 of ui
          set a_row to item 1 of (rows where it is selected)
          tell UI element 1 of a_row
              perform action "AXShowMenu"
            on error
            end try
          end tell
        end tell
      else if a_class is group then
        tell ui
          set an_item to item 1 of (UI elements where it is selected)
          tell an_item
              perform action "AXShowMenu"
            on error
            end try
          end tell
        end tell
      else if a_class is browser then
        tell scroll area 1 of ui
          set n_list to count scroll areas
          repeat with n from n_list to 1 by -1
            tell list 1 of scroll area n
              set selected_elements to (UI elements whose selected is true)
              if length of selected_elements > 0 then
                tell item 1 of selected_elements
                    perform action "AXShowMenu"
                  on error
                  end try
                end tell
                exit repeat
              end if
            end tell
          end repeat
        end tell
      end if
    end tell
  end tell
  -- return theResult
end main

on showMenu(anElement)
  tell me
    display dialog "WTF?"
  end tell
end showMenu

To invoke the Context Manu in other Apps I made another Macro here: (Has Anyone Figured Out a Way to Replicate the Windows "Menu Key" on a Mac Using KM? - #35 by Zabobon).

I agree. I can't believe Apple haven't assigned a key that just does this. It is one of the few things that Windows (the name that shall not be spoken...) has but the Mac doesn't :grinning: