@JMichaelTX Great work, thank you very much. Very Very useful and handy macro.
I have got a suggestion to even improve your great work.
I'm not familiar (yet) in sharing macro's and actions's here. So I'm gonna share the 'code' of one simple action in this text box and a image. Hope it is helpful.
Here we go :
# Additional aid from tsboh
# 1) enable this action
# 2) just run on only this action: 'Try action'
ls "/Library/PDF Services"
ls "$HOME/Library/PDF Services" | sort --ignore-case
# 3) then (for now) copy list from the display result window and
# paste into the next action: 'SET List of PDF Menu Items for Prompt'
# (first three entries are standard leave them in their) replace the rest
# 4) disable this action
# future enhancement: ==> set variable and append to the first standard 3