Pick Up Path of Folder for Macro - Pro Tools

If the file is selected in the Finder, then you can get it's path with the Finder Selection collection.

After that action has run, assuming a single thing is selected in the Finder, the Path variable will have the path of that selection.

That is what i used Peter.

CMD+SHIFT+K just opens regular export window for me in PT. When I go to KM
and click “TRY” I get an error message about not finding the window.

Hmm. When i import a macro it is first disabled, so i have to enable it first. Is that the problem?

You have to start the macro when you are in PT, not in Keyboard Maestro. Otherwise the macro will try to run in KM.

I put the macro in a folder that will only enable the macros when ProTools is running. Check if you have the correct PT version defined.

Will try again and use that collection feature. Good idea.

This pretty much does it...I modified your macro...as long as you have the
folder selected in Finder. My next job is that I have dated folders within
the bounced files folder I want to drill down to. Maybe I will add a

Copy Path and Export Clip to Folder.kmmacros (7.18 KB)

Another year later....

Hi Fokke, thanks for this...anyway to attach the script itself? Would love to try it.


Ray Palagy

Hi Ray

Here you go.

Fokke van Saane

Open Session Folder.kmmacros (3.0 KB)

1 Like

Or even simpler.

I found the POSIX file thingie and how to "find and replace" inside AS. So now it is all in the AppleScript itself.

Current ProTools Session Folder.kmmacros (32.1 KB)

Thanks John again! Much appreciated...will try later.



John I was never able to get it to work...I ended up staying with what you sent previously...that is working well! Now I want to modify it to add

  1. if a folder with todays date exists open it and pick up that path

  2. if a folder with todays date doesn't exist create it and then open it

Hi John , the KM "Set Export Clip to Bounced Files" that you did for Ray, worked really well. I wanted to see if theres a way to put a if statement after the return keystroke before the open Button. in that (if statement )would look and see if a folder with todays date is there already, if so, than open it. If not create a folder with todays date, then open that.

Since the "Please Choose a Destination Folder " isn't a full path KM couldn't executed it.


I wonder if "John" will ever reply.....

I made two new macro's for you. One is another updated script that will open the folder containing the current session file.
The other one is the requested macro that will make a date folder in your Bounced Files folder within the folder that you current session is. If the folder exist it does nothing.

Tell me if these two works for you.

Export Clips To Bounced Files within Date Folder.kmmacros (37.2 KB)
Current ProTools Session Folder.kmmacros (54.8 KB)


Fokke you are fantastic! I will tell “John” no need to reply :slight_smile:

I am traveling this week but will try as soon as I get back this coming Monday. Very excited to try this!



Thanks will try them later today to if that works for me.


Thanks for making theses macros , today was the first time I had a chance to try it out. The Macro "Export Clips to Bounce Files within Date Folder" worked well, I had to just increase the pause a little(.5) to make it run correctly each time.



Great news!

Thanks David,
Which Pause did you had to increase?

@Fokke Sorry I didn't see this back in May of last year.and didn't answer your question. I will look and see where I increase the pause. and let you know. This was a great KM macro that you made. use it every day .

So @Fokke Again sorry for the 8 month late response , But I had changed both pauses from 0.2 to 0.5