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Okay, I'm pretty sure the awk command strips out the name. So maybe it's your action that isn't working. Le the scroll back and look at it.

AHA! I think I see it.... I think your problem is that you have smart quotes turned on. Basically, never have that feature enabled if you use KM. Turn it off and re-enter the action manually.

I looked very closely at your action and I spotted the erroneous quote which caused your problem:

Genius!!!!! Can't believe you spotted that!!

Ok so I don't think we can use '50' any more, as the number isn't given in MB. If you look at my screenshot above, the number is 570320 (no idea what it means!). The file itself is 291.992741MB.

So if I divide the first by the second, I get 1953.19924066. So maybe I'll tell it to wait for 2000...?


Ok that didn't work. It opened for a split second and then closed again. I'll try a few values...


20000 seems to do it! Yay!! Thanks so much for your help. I'll edit my initial post with the latest version.

Thanks for the compliment. I can say for sure I'm not a genius, as I was tested once and fell well short of the arbitrary number. Although I was taking a test for adults when I was 17 and the test warned that it is not valid for under 18s.

As for the meaning of that number, I left that as your homework. You can read the man page for du. It might be clusters or kilobytes or bytes or something else.

As Sherlock Holmes said, once you eliminate the possible, then the other choice, no matter how unlikely, is the culprit. Once we eliminated the du command as the culprit, I stared at the other action and examined it byte by byte, thinking at every character. Then I spotted it, and I remembered this problem from before.

In my strong opinion, KM should come with a warning when you start the KM Editor that the Smart Quotes should be disabled before you proceed. This is to protect everyone who is not a genius with KM.

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