Plug&Play macros for Designers & Svelte.js HTML prompt

Hi there :wave:

I created something which may be useful or inspiring for you guys. It's basically a set of keyboard maestro plug&play macros for designers which includes:

  • Text Expanders
  • Color pickers
  • Brand Assets / Colors pickers
  • Optimizing images
  • Removing background from a selected files
  • OCR of selected screen area
  • Starter URLs
  • Lorem ipsum generators
  • Some Figma / Notion / Webflow macros
  • and more

As you can see, those are a simple macros to create for the hard users of KM which even requires some programming skills. The thing, there are for example designers who cannot create those macros themselves.

But this is not all. I was wonder if there is a way to create an interface, which may be a little bit more customisable than default prompts and there is, it's called: Custom HTML Prompt which may be used to create a prompt with HTML / CSS or even JavaScript. And here's a result:

Those prompts were created with Svelte.js where I just had to be sure that app is compiled to a single HTML file with inlined styles and scripts. And it worked.

What is more, I needed a simple way to create more macros. So I have found a way to build those prompts based on JSON object. So for example I can set if prompt is a list (first screen above) or a form (second screen). This gives me a flexibility to create further macros with ease.

Right now those macros are available here for free:

So you can download them and even do some reverse engineering. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

P.S.: I am thinking about sharing a full source code of an app as open source repository, but right now this is a kinda beta version.


Hi @overment. Thank's for sharing this impressive work. It will take time to explore more deeply, but Matt and you have obviously worked very hard to design, implement, and document this macro suite. Kudos!!!

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Thank you @_jims :yellow_heart:

There was a some work indeed. But I have to admit, that an idea of composing a re-useable macros and actions was literally a leverage to create a whole library.

This is WIP:

Will be available soon as well.

Matt finishes a landing page:

So it looks like, this is a pretty solid project right now :sweat_smile:

TBH the most difficult thing was to get an idea for a macro and then create one with keeping as little configurations as it possible, so non-technical folks can use it with ease.

Aaaand we're on Product Hunt :rocket: