Possible Way To Move Mouse Smoothly

Im new to keyboard maestro. coming from years and years of AHK.

I have an issue where one thing I need to do requires a smooth mouse movement. not a sudden one like this program produces. is this possible?

in AHK there were other input options/movement options. wondering if there's anything similar here!

You can't do this directly, but you can use a "Repeat" to chunk one big, quick, movement into lots of smaller ones. Control the speed by changing Local_granularity -- smaller is faster:

Mouse Move Controlled.kmmacros (3.7 KB)

Extending that to curves etc is "just" a question of maths... Have a search on the Forum if interested.

You could also try the CLI utility cliclick, though I think its easing option uses the same basic mechanism.

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Okay, may I ask why? Is the point to emulate the human arm, perhaps to pass a captcha, or to avoid detection by an online game?

I've done this. As Nige says, you can use a little math to smooth the mouse motion. But there's a second way that uses less math (but not zero math.) You can simply record your own mouse movement, then "replay" that movement. All the "smooth, human and inaccurate" motion of your own hand will be replayed to the screen. All you have to do is scale the recorded motion to fit your simulated mouse motion. It's very easy, and when you see it in action, you will laugh like a giddy child who is getting on their first ride at Disneyland, especially when you place the macro in a loop that moves to random places on the screen. It just looks so human!

I have written such a macro, but it was over a year ago, and so I would need to rewrite it, because that's the way I roll. So I suggest that you take a stab at it today because I'm a little busy today.

Okay, I spent the afternoon today writing a set of macros that records and emulates human movement, and I will upload them in the next couple of minutes to the macros forum. They may be of use to you, but I'm sure they will be of use to others. Here it is...

The idea is,
I use it for a software with a slider. I want to adjust said slider. But with an auto movement with no easing. The program doesn’t register the mouse’s movement

In my previous windows system with AHK I simply used a smooth mouse movement. That moved the mouse up there almost instantly to the human eye but behind the scenes it moved smoothly. And the issue went away