Prompt for User Input Window Not Appearing Even Though It Is Triggered

Yes, I've had this in the past and I've also always been annoyed by the fact that the position that the user prompt dialog appeared was never entirely predictable.

As a consequence of another thread on this forum I now use this approach that prevents these issues. I always execute a sub macro prior to executing the Prompt for User Input action - a bit like this:

KM 0 2021-08-16_22-52-08

The sub macro which I have named [LIB]_Center Keyboard Maestro Prompts and Alerts positions the following Prompt for User Input dialog consistently. It looks like this:

KM 1 2021-08-16_22-57-28

The action to call it is this:

KM 2 2021-08-16_22-59-58

The code for the sub macro is here:
[LIB]_Center Keyboard Maestro Prompts and Alerts.kmmacros (3.2 KB)

while the action to call it is this:

Execute Macro “[LIB]_Center Keyboard Maestro Prompts and Alerts” Asynchronously.kmactions (463 Bytes)

A couple of threads from this forum are worth reading:

and this one where this approach was first mentioned:

Hope that helps.

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