Prompt from list of files does not work: path unknown

thank you !

Are you adding the Return as a separate action? If so, just roll it in with the other "Append Text" action by including the token there: %SystemClipboard%__%Variable%Local_friendlyName%%Return%.

You should only need to reload the file in BBEdit to update BBEdit's take on its current contents if the file is open in BBEdit when you make the "background" changes. If it's not open you're needlessly opening it (and possibly needlessly launching BBEdit, though I have it running all the time), so you may want to add an "if any BBEdit window title is..." action in there.

But BBEdit usually does this as necessary -- check you've got "Automatically refresh documents..." turned on in Preferences->Application.

great suggestions. thanks very much

I am absolutely delighted with the macro and it's impact on my workflow.
I am writing a "clean-up" macro for the bookmarks file (only one blank line between lines, etc) which basically consists of a series of regex.
What would be the best way to regex a file ? Does the file have to be open (in my case with BBEdit) ?
thank you

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