One question: Is there any chance to find out the content of the input, like you find the content of the input in the standard routine in the token "%PromptWithListText%" (token:PromptWithListText [Keyboard Maestro Wiki])?
Thank you for your answer, but I think there is a misunderstanding: I need what I have entered in the searchbar, not the list from which the entries are created. Just as what the user enters is stored in the original routine in the token "%PromptWithListText%".
The background is: I often call up my list several times in a row with the same search string, so that I want to preset the last search string in "Placeholder" when I call up the list again...
Oh, I see. No, that's not catered for I'm afraid. I could feasibly implement it, but it would mean complicating the output for the sake of very niche use cases, so I don't think it's justifiable.
How can I set the 'prompt with list' to display the contents of a folder?
I have 100 text files in a folder (actually between 2 folders unfortunately - but I can move them to 1 if needed) - and I would like to trigger the prompt with list to display all of the individual files and once I select one in the list it will open that file.
thanx man, enter the whole path? I've entered the following to no avail.
I'm sure I'm missing something.
/Users/mda_server_01/Muffetta Dropbox/Muffetta Enterprises/Troy/Texts/Share Builder/
or only the parent? I don't think so?
/Share Builder
Yes, the whole path. And make sure the subroutine has been selected.
I seem to remember servers can be problematic. Test it on a folder on your desktop. If that works (but not with the folder on the server), that's the issue and I'm not sure of a workaround.