Prompt With List... On Steroids! 💪🏼

Thanks a lot for this great work!

One question: Is there any chance to find out the content of the input, like you find the content of the input in the standard routine in the token "%PromptWithListText%" (token:PromptWithListText [Keyboard Maestro Wiki])?

The content of the input is user-defined. In this example, you can access it by referring to Local__List.

Thank you for your answer, but I think there is a misunderstanding: I need what I have entered in the searchbar, not the list from which the entries are created. Just as what the user enters is stored in the original routine in the token "%PromptWithListText%". :blush::man_shrugging:

The background is: I often call up my list several times in a row with the same search string, so that I want to preset the last search string in "Placeholder" when I call up the list again...

Oh, I see. No, that's not catered for I'm afraid. I could feasibly implement it, but it would mean complicating the output for the sake of very niche use cases, so I don't think it's justifiable.

OK and 1000 thanks for your efforts and support, anyway :smiley::+1:t2:

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Here's a version modified to look a bit more… rounded

To use, replace this subroutine with the one from the original macro

Rounded Prompt With List (HTML).kmmacros (51.2 KB)

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I love it! :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:

(The macro link is broken though.)

Thanks! It's less broken now I hope

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How about a bit of Alfredesque transparency and blur?

PWL - Alfred Styling (HTML).kmmacros (59 KB)

Macro screenshot

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Even dreamier

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The resemblance is unkenny.

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How can I set the 'prompt with list' to display the contents of a folder?

I have 100 text files in a folder (actually between 2 folders unfortunately - but I can move them to 1 if needed) - and I would like to trigger the prompt with list to display all of the individual files and once I select one in the list it will open that file.

Hello Troy

If you’re asking for Neil’s Macro in the OP it should be relatively easy to do even opening multiple ones at once because of this feature set:

For the other Macros in this thread I don’t know if or if not …

Hope this helps.

Greetings from Germany :de:


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Here's how I'd do that:

Choose Folder.kmmacros (38 KB)

Macro screenshot

I'm using the Alfred-esque version of the PWL subroutine here (thanks @olifrost!), so ensure you select whichever one you're using:

thanx man, enter the whole path? I've entered the following to no avail.
I'm sure I'm missing something.
/Users/mda_server_01/Muffetta Dropbox/Muffetta Enterprises/Troy/Texts/Share Builder/

or only the parent? I don't think so?
/Share Builder

Yes, the whole path. And make sure the subroutine has been selected.

I seem to remember servers can be problematic. Test it on a folder on your desktop. If that works (but not with the folder on the server), that's the issue and I'm not sure of a workaround.

I tried a desktop folder to no avail.
FYI, the cpu is not a server as such, it's only named that way.
It is my local CPU, nothing remote.

Can you post a screenshot of the macro as you have it now?

I really appreciate your time man...

It all looks correct, assuming the folder path has been added correctly. Did you type it or copy/paste?

The only other things I can think of are:

  • the macro (and/or its group) is currently disabled
  • the files aren't directly within the parent folder and are in subfolders

When you say it's not working, does anything happen at all?

Can you try this for me? It should present the files as a list. If it doesn't then we know the problem is further up the chain.

Choose Folder (TEST).kmmacros (39 KB)

Macro screenshot