Prompting for user input with a list - can list item be preselected?

Hi @Lloydi. Over the last several months I've created many macros with dialog boxes. In those macros I've used a global variable to save each of the relevant dialog parameters and applied default values using the Prompt For User Input methods described above by @tiffle and @cdthomer.

This approach has worked quite nicely, but the downside has been that the global variable list (seen using the KM preferences) gets cluttered with these relatively trivial values.

So coincidental to your post today, I was working through a method to save all of the dialog settings to a single KM dictionary. Since this was my first application of a KM dictionary, I had to experiment a bit, but ultimately I like how it worked out and plan to use this approach moving forward.

I've posted an example macro which includes this dictionary method and some other dialog box techniques that I've learned previously. Here's the link::