Queue macros

Is it possible to not run the next macro until the previous finishes even if I trigger the next macro?

If you mean you want the second macro to wait until the first has finished -- look at Semaphore Locks.

Here's a demo:

Semaphores Macros.kmmacros (5.2 KB)

Run "First" and straight away run "Second" -- the "Second" text box will appear first, then the "First" box 5 seconds later.

Now enable the Group action in "Second" so the semaphore is in effect and run "First" then "Second" again -- "Second" will wait until "First" shows its text box and completes before showing the "Second" box.

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Thanks, I'll check it out.

I am sorry, I seems explained my problem not correctly.

I have a macro which copies a file from the one Finder window to the another.
I need to run this macro a few times for the different files but in a queue.
Why do I need it? Because sometimes I need to copy large files, that need to be synced with Dropbox first, from the different folders.

The macro itself:

Copy to another pane.kmmacros (6.1 KB)