Quotation Marks

Mine is just an example of an Action. To make it a macro, you just create a macro with this action in it. Then add a trigger for the macro:

Maybe I should upload the macro for you. So here it is:

MACRO:   Insert Quotation Marks

DOWNLOAD Macro File:

Insert Quotation Marks.kmmacros
Note: This Macro was uploaded in a DISABLED state. You must enable before it can be triggered.

Very nice, Martin!

Is there a way to make the Enter key a trigger to position the text cursor behind the closing quote character?

Thanks, Martin! I duped it and made one for the single quote mark, for quoting within a quote when I tap the single quote key twice.

Still not sure what you did there, but appreciate having this nice convenience added to the voluminous dialogue writing I do.

I wouldn't want to trigger the macro with just on quote mark. But maybe 2 quotes in a row would work well without triggering by accident.

Triggering works fine for the double quote. Hardly ever want it to stand alone. Not with the single, since it's also used as an apostrophe.

I made this macro because it was specifically requested as such.

I don't use it personally.

This should work in most cases.
(Edit: see updated macro below).

Yes, you can.

I can't make this work. Hitting the enter key just forces a new line. (Even when I change “Return” to “Enter.” The double-quote works fine but the rest of it doesn't for me.

I use both Scrivener and Word. Same result. It looks like this when I hit the enter key:

The only thing that happens is pushing the trailing quote make to a new line.

Sorry, I forgot to add one last action.

Try this one:

MACRO:   Insert Quotation Marks

DOWNLOAD Macro File:

Insert Quotation Marks.kmmacros
Note: This Macro was uploaded in a DISABLED state. You must enable before it can be triggered.

This is the best support forum I've ever been part of! Thank you, Martin. All I did was add a space at the very end.

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Sorry, I'm too green on this app. I could not find your macro.

I'd like to use the double-quote but if I enable that, then I can no longer use just one instance of it.

Please give this newbie some instruction on how to use your macro.

Do you mean you can't find this post?

Quotation marks - Questions & Suggestions - Keyboard Maestro Discourse

I don't quite understand your question. You said "if I enable that", this seems to me that you have found the macro and have installed it.
Also, what do you mean by " I can no longer use just one instance of it"?

Sorry to be so vague and confusing. I was responding to a post by Rob that has since been deleted. He said he had uploaded a macro. When I downloaded and ran it, I could not find his double quotes macro in it. Maybe he uploaded the wrong one.

My question about one instance was in response to his preference for a trigger that uses two presses of the trigger keys. I can see why two ("") would be preferable, but if I specify two presses, then I don't get the single " character when that's all I want. Is there a way to prevent the macro from waiting for that second press?
Hope this is clearer.

If I understand correctly, we can do something like this:

  1. make trigger as typed string, as double-quote.
  2. uncheck "simulate 2 deletes..." as marked by the arrow below.
  3. simulate "left Arrow".
  4. I changed to wait for Ctrl rather than Return. Ctrl will cause less unexpected behavior than Return.

If you type just one instance of double-quote, this macro will not be triggered at all. If you type two double quotes, the macro will be triggered.

Okay, thanks. I see what I was doing wrong – having the macro wait for two presses of ' instead of remembering to hit the " twice before writing dialogue. The only other thing I added to mine was to type the space, since further text usually follows, even if just a return.

I only want to add that I've done this also with parentheses and square brackets [] and it's helpful.


Sorry for the confusion, moppo. I realised that my ‘solution’ also killed a singular shift+’, and therefore wasn’t workable.

Appreciate the attempt anyway. Thanks.