I figured it out.
The link @ComplexPoint provided above to "writeToFile:atomically" was just a general NS Dictionary topic, and not really helpful.
The answer is here:
Also the compound code used does not allow for error checking:
// writePlist :: Object -> String -> IO ()
function writePlist(jsObject, strPath) {
.stringByStandardizingPath, true
But I was rewriting it anyway to something I could understand, use, modify, etc:
function writePlist(pJSObject, pFilePathStr) {
/* Ver 1.0 2017-02-23
PURPOSE: Output JavaScript Object to plist File
• pJSObject | object | JavaScript Object
• pFilePath | text | File Path string
RETURNS: true if successful; else false
1. Based on script by @ComplexPoint
// Convert Path string to an ObjC path string
var nsPath = $(pFilePathStr);
// Expand tilde (~)
var fullPath = nsPath.stringByStandardizingPath;
// Convert JavaScript Object to NS Object (ObjC)
var nsObject = $(pJSObject);
// Returns logical true if successful; else false
var successBol = nsObject.writeToFileAtomically(fullPath, true);
return successBol
} //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ END OF function writePlist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
So now, with a much simpler and easy to use test, I can check for error:
console.log("Write to: " + lstPaths[0].toString())
var success = writePlist(lstObjects[0], lstPaths[0]);
if (!success) {throw new Error("[ERROR]\nFile Write Failed to: " + lstPaths[0])}
When I get done, I'll post my complete rewritten functions and test for everyone's benefit, to learn, understand, test, and modify.