Rename Selected Macros with (or without) Regex

Rename Selected Macros with (or without) Regex

Version 1.0


This macro allows you rename selected macros using Search/Replace, optionally using Regular Expressions.

Includes the option to do a "Trial Run" so you can see what would be changed, before actually changing anything.

Note: I know there are other macros on the forum that do something similar, but I believe this macro offers features the others don't.

The Prompt



Click to expand

Search String:

Required. The string to search for in the macro names. It can include Regular Expression syntax depending on the Search Type.

Replace String:

Optional. Replaces (or deletes if left blank) what was matched by Search String.

Search Type:

  • Case Sensitive: Does a "Replace All" in each macro name, and as the name indicates, upper- and lower-case letters must match exactly.
  • Ignore Case: Does a "Replace All" in each macro name, and ignores character case when matching Search String.
  • Regular Expression: Allows you to use Regular Expressions in Search String.

Regular Expression Flags:

Ignored if Search String is not Regular Expression. Otherwise, you can include Regular Expression Flags here.

Some common flags:

  • g : If you include "g" here, it will do a "replace all" in each macro name, otherwise it will replace the first match only in each macro name.
  • i : Ignore Case.

Show Log:

If checked, a log will be displayed showing what was changed.

NOTE: When doing a Trial Run, this setting is ignored, because trial runs always show the log.

Save Variables:

If checked, the values you enter in this prompt are saved to the global variable "RSN_variables", and reused the next time you run the prompt.

If unchecked, the values are not saved, and "RSN_variables" is cleared.

Trial Run:

If you click this button, it will perform a "trial run", which means a log will be shown showing what would have been changed.


Runs the search/replace and updates the macro names.

A Note About Undo:

You can always undo the changes to your macro names using the standard "Undo" methods, like ⌘z or Edit-->Undo.


1.0 - Initial Release


Rename Selected Macros with (or without) (14.6 KB)

Download the macro, unzip it, and double-click the .kmmacros file.