To get a better idea of what each section of code does check out the notes in the AppleScript below.
AppleScript (click to expand/collapse)
set kmInst to system attribute "KMINSTANCE"
tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
set xRes to getvariable "local_xRes" instance kmInst --retrieves the local_xRes variable from KM
set yRes to getvariable "local_yRes" instance kmInst --retrieves the local_yRes variable from KM
end tell
tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
--repeatedly delays 1/10 of a second until the conflict palette appears
--the subrole is the kind of "window" that the palette is
repeat until (first window whose subrole is "AXSystemDialog") exists
delay 0.1
end repeat
--sets the name of the palette of the AppleScript variable "palName"
tell (first window whose subrole is "AXSystemDialog")
set palName to its name
end tell
--controls the palette
tell window palName
--sets two variables to the palettes size
--palXsize is it's width
--palYsize is it's height
set {palXsize, palYsize} to its size
--does some math to position the palette in the center of the front screen
--xRes - palXsize takes the screens width, subtracts the palette's width, and then divides that by 2
--yRes - palYsize takes the screen's height, subtracts the palette's height, and then divides that by 2
--that basically gives it the coordinates to position the palette so it is centered according to it's size and the screen resolution
set its position to {(xRes - palXsize) / 2, (yRes - palYsize) / 2}
end tell
end tell
I don't quite follow what the issue is you’re referring to... but I haven't had my afternoon coffee yet
Could you elaborate please?