I can't get this to work, seems straight forward?
What makes you think VERONA_ARRAY_COL2 is an array?
It looks like a string to me.
That’s probably my issue
What can I do to make it a 1-dimensional array?
You can treat an array of comma separated numbers stored in a variable as an array in a Calculation Field.
You can also treat an array of comma (or other characters) separated strings stored in a variable as an array using the %Variable% token in a Text Field.
But you are mixing and matching different fields. The second last field (which Keyboard Maestro is showing in red because it is entirely invalid) only accepts a variable name (since variable names cannot include square brackets, the field is invalid). The second field is fine because it is a text field.
Understanding the different types of fields in Keyboard Maestro is crucial to furthering your abilities. Read the wiki page: Text Fields
So you can use
In a calculation field.
And there are calculation conditions.
And if ORGNR_TYPE2_READ is a number as well, then you can use
in the resulting comparison field.
So you can use: