This is interesting. But I want to have the palettes in a fixed position
My current macro does the following. I press and hold "4" the global navigation palette plus an app specific palette open at right edge of screen. The mouse moves to the palettes. Now I can trigger what I want (mouse or keyboard). When I release "4" both palettes close and the mouse returns to its original location. This is perfect.
I do a similar thing with large palettes that keep my scientific names on photos identical. My palette automatically closes after a selection is made, avoiding clutter on the display and saving a mouse click.
Onion, Nodding
No triggers specified.
Will execute the following actions:
Insert Styled Text by Pasting
Nodding Onion
Allium cernuum
Pojar 106 [The name and page of a field guide to plants.]
Hide Macro Group βPlantsβ