Smart Group's result sort by date

Screenshot 2024-12-10 at 21.42.39

Problem is only, I cannot ”scroll to the bottom of the list,” because as can be seen in the screendump the palette vanishes under the dock into the subterrain.

Instead, it would be useful to write out the content (of those old macros) in a text document instead, how would this be done?

best regards,

That's because you are showing the Smart Group as a palette. Stay in the KM Editor, scroll through the Smart Group there, and you can use the Macro Inspector window to show the details of any macro selected -- including the "Use Count".

You can get the names etc of the macros in that Smart Group -- what you can't do is get the "Use Count". And the list of macros returned is in Group name/macro name order, not respecting any sort order you have set in the Editor.

You can get them in sort order via System Events:

tell application "System Events"
	tell process "Keyboard Maestro"
		name of every group of scroll area 2 of splitter group 1 of group 6 of window 1
	end tell
end tell

...but you'll have to strip off any triggers from the returned text, and all you can really get is the names of the macros.

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