Specify MIDI or Keystroke

Keyboard Maestro will have much more complete MIDI support.

As far as OSC, as discussed the other thread

However, I cannot see how I can use MIDI SysEx constructively. It seems it each device has its own behaviour. I could define my own and use that as a trigger, but how would that be better than the existing MIDI triggers? And how would I send such a packet constructively. There would need to be some language for describing the packet and by that point it would be better done using a third-party tool.

I also looked at OSC and came to much the same conclusion. MIDI has system support in coreMIDI and supports for MIDI over the net, but I can't even see how I would make Keyboard Maestro discoverable. And sending OSC seems to have the same sorts of issues as SysEx - what events would I actually send?

So if anyone wants any actions or triggers related to SysEx or OSC, could you please explain what that would look like (a quick mockup of a trigger or an action would be ideal) and how would it work interoperating with other devices?

OSC seem very specific to devices and packets and so I can't really see how Keyboard Maestro would sensibly trigger or send them. Also, the system does not appear to have any OSC support, and there does not seem to be any sensible discovery mechanisms.

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