System Wake Trigger

Hi dear KM folks,

apparently I don't understand the system wake trigger correctly. Shouldn't a macro be executed when I bring the MacBook out of sleep mode by opening it and entering my system password? Or have I misunderstood something?

Best Matze

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Hi! Post the macro that isn't working and we'll see if we can figure out why.

Hi noisneil
thanks for helping.
Every other macro that is triggered by "At system wake" does not work.
I have tried just the action Display text for example

RM Media Webserver.kmmacros (36.2 KB)

I'm in the middle of a system update so I can't get stuck in right this second. However, I'd say you should experiment with pauses. Maybe try pause until a certain app is running. The aim would be to ensure the system is ready to be interacted with, as startup can often involve a lot of things taking their time to get going.

Hi Neil,

thanks! I will try it. Get back to you with results.

Best, Matze

I have tried your advice. Does not work. Neither pause until nor pause for 10 seconds.
Maybe this is due to the fact that I have to unlock the mac with my systempassword after waking it up?

No, I don't think it's that. I do the same thing and it works fine. Let me get my system up and running and I'll take a proper look. :+1:t3: