THANK YOU to all the long-time regular helpers on this forum!

I just wanted to give a shout-out to all the regular long-time helpers on this forum.

Some of us have been helping out for a shorter length of time, and personally, I find myself getting burned out after awhile.

So I’m even more appreciative of those who continue to persevere, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. It can be a real grind, so my hat’s off to you guys. You know who you are. :slight_smile:


I couldn’t agree more, this is an awesome community, I really appreciate it.


@DanThomas, maybe you have been here for a shorter time that some others, but I have to say that you have produced/provided a massive amount of macros and help, almost all of it very useful to many Keyboard Maestro users, including myself. :thumbsup:

Don't let yourself get burned out. Take breaks as you need them.
We really need you here for the long term.


Alas, another case of "Tragedy of the Commons".

Exchanging ideas should be, and could be, a source of motivation and encouragement, not a "real grind".

It's not you, @DanThomas, it's the inherent nature of public forums.
Similar on every public forum, everywhere on the Internet.
In 20 years of using Internet forums, I've seen it countless times:
The most helpful individuals always tend toward "burn out".

The only way to encourage motivation and participation -- and prevent burn out -- is private forums.
But I don't think that could be done in this situation.

I think I probably chose my words poorly. It’s not a grind because of difficult people. When I encounter people like that, I just leave them to someone with more patience than me!

It’s just that for me, I need to be working on something exciting to keep my focus, and I’m in-between things right now. So I’m always amazed when people can continue on with no apparent lull in their ability to answer questions.

So, yay to them, and that’s all I really meant to say. :slight_smile:

I do certainly understand “Tragedy of the Commons”, and I’ve been there too, but that’s not the case here. This is one of the most well-behaved forums I’ve ever participated in. Sure, sometimes someone gets a little out of line (even me sometimes), but it’s nothing like the horrible flame wars of other places I’ve spent time.

Best. Forum. Ever.


The reason this is the “Best. Forum. Ever.” is because of folks like you and @JMichaelTX, @ccstone, @ComplexPoint, @Tom and many others who tirelessly help folks get the most out of Keyboard Maestro (and often out of other applications entirely too).


That is true, yes. I was wondering why this is so. Maybe it’s the kind of software (KM) that is more likely to attract well behaved people than other do?

Of course, the fact that KM is interacting with other applications and scripting environments often makes it mandatory to dive into that other stuff.

But it also often happens without that necessity. And it’s a very good thing that those “tangential” replies/topics are not force-shutdown by @peternlewis or the forum mods.

This gives you a certain freedom and at the same time makes you feel responsible for what you are writing and for the degree on OT’ness of what you are writing.

What I want to say is, the forum policy and the behavior of @peternlewis (and the mods) greatly contributes to the awesomeness of the forum and motivates to continue posting and answering. Nothing more frustrating than a forum that tries to patronize/infantilize its contributors.

I’m not a heavy KM user, maybe a couple of complex KM macros that I use regularly, the rest is rather pure AppleScript or other. But nevertheless this forum is very educational for me:

Many problems “offered” here start out as KM problems, but they invite me to investigate further, which often leads to underlying, not KM-related things. The knowledge I acquire in that process often has turned out to be useful for my own stuff, and even to discover problems in my own (non-KM) projects that I wasn’t aware of.

So, most topics are a win, not only for the questioner. (Here again, the fact that we are not hampered to discuss tangential stuff – or entirely alternate solutions – greatly helps.)


Roger that!