Toggle VPN status?


I am fairly new to Keyboard Maestro and am learning my first steps in assembling macros that help me set up working environments (hat tip to @MacSparky for inspiring it!).

To set up one environment, I need to be on VPN (otherwise I cannot log on to the required website).

So far, I have been unsuccessful in trying to get KM to start a specific VPN connection. Surely I am not the first one to try that - have others been successful?

I‘d be grateful for your advice!



Yes. I've recently done a similar thing. I always forget to disconnect my VPN, so I did a KM macro to change my wallpaper to solid red while I'm connected to VPN. It gives me a visual reminder I'm on the work VPN rather than my local network.

First thing I learned is that every VPN is different. Can you activate/connect your VPN using only keystrokes? If so, you just record those keystrokes. If not, you have a bit more work.

My journey started over at

Many thanks for your help! Your point about keystrokes made me rethink my approach - and now I managed to do it with „Execute shell script“ and a simple scutil-command.

Leaving this note here in case anyone else is interested.

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