Tools for Working with AppleScript

Hey Folks,

An OSAX is an Open Scripting Architecture Extension. (The plurel is Osaxen.)

They are plug-ins for the macOS that enhance its scriptability and are generally related to AppleScript. In other words they add functionality to AppleScript.

The very best of them is the Satimage.osax (latest stable version) (latest beta version).

It adds a host of features that vanilla AppleScript is missing like regular expression support for find and find/replace, file-globbing, and recursive file/folder listing. It has to be seen and examined to be believed, and I've been a happy user since 2003.

Another favorite of mine is the LapTime.osax which adds finely-grained timing support to AppleScript.

Most neophyte scripters do not know where Osaxen are installed and may not know IF they have been installed.

This macro will produce a report on all installed Osaxen that includes path, name, version, and creation-date.

The output is sent to TextEdit, although that's easy enough to change.

NOTE — Apple installs two:

Digital Hub Scripting.osax

Any others will be 3rd Party.


Report Installed Osaxen (AppleScript Extensons).kmmacros (3.9 KB)
