Hey, Dan – Just wanted to thank you for doing this. Strangely enough, I was sorting out an entirely different clipboard quirk. Your video solved it, 50 seconds in. Thanks again!
Wiki Videos! Outstanding! Thank you!
This is no longer working for me in Ventura and I can't seem to paste macros to the clipboard in Keyboard Maestro. Has anyone else found the same?
I am not able to copy a macro and then paste it into a clipboard in preferences anymore.
Are you sure?
When I copy a macro on Mojave it doesn't look like I've actually captured a macro...
But when I paste this it does paste as a macro.
Yeah, I just tried it again and it is not working for some reason. Thanks for sending the screenshots and your time.

@peternlewis? Please see post #25 above.
Just tried on on my Ventura system and it's as @skillet describes.
Extra data point: Something is being placed on the named clipboard, but it won't paste in as an action. If you activate a text box, however, it'll paste in as the copied action's "Name" text.
Ignore me -- I was following the video, and didn't read @DanThomas's addendum until after I'd worked out what the problem was. The extra click cured it.
I just tried it, and it worked fine for me, whether I was copying an Action or a Macro, either could be stored in the Named Clipboard in Ventura.
I don't really understand the image you have there, you have selected an action (so Copy will copy the action, not the macro), and by the looks of it you have a different action in the Named Clipboard.
This guys channel seems like worth an add.
I really have no idea how to troubleshoot this. It works for a little bit but it is mostly the comments that don't stick for me. I can try it once or twice and it even syncs between computers but then the comments action goes away.
I would really like to be able to make a new comment with the current date baked into it like this.
Perhaps I can learn how to extract this data from @Zabobon and use his method for adding favorite Keyboard Maestro actions.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Play Sound "%Variable%Local_Sound%"</string>
Names Clipboards do not sync between Macs - they are unique to each Mac.
The only way that could work is if you made an identically named Named Clipboard
on each of your Macs and in effect recreated the Named Clipboard on each Mac manually. I have done that successfully.
For example I copied a dotted rectangle shape in Preview to a Keyboard Maestro Named Clipboard
called Preview Dotted Rectangle
Pressing Alt+R inserts the copied rectangle into a Preview document.
The Macro itself syncs between my Macs. But the contents of the Named Clipboard does not.
So, I have a disabled Copy System Clipboard to Named Clipboard
Action as the first Action of the Macro. If I want to have this Macro available on a new Mac I make a new copy of a Preview rectangle to the System Clipboard, and "try" the first Action to make a Named Clipboard with a Preview rectangle in it...
In fact, somewhere in Dropbox I have a saved PDF document, made in Preview, that already has the elements I want to copy to the Named Clipboard.
If you wanted to do something similar with bespoke Keyboard Maestro Actions you would need to do the same thing and manually update the contents of the Named Clipboard
on your other Mac.
Yes, that could work using XML. You want to make a new comment Action with today's date pre-entered in the text field? It might be better to ask that as a new topic as it is quite specific.
Interesting I must have run the macros and it created the identical clipboard which is why it worked for me. Something is going on that is stopping it from working after a few times of pasting it so perhaps there is some third party app that is doing something.
That makes sense. It was the actual note macro with my note in it that synced between my two Macs so perhaps just images have issues.
I think I will go with your XML actions that you showed in another post for your sounds macro. I finally figured out how you extracted that XML with the right clicking on the macro or the action(s).
The only way I have been able to insert that into the "insert text by pasting" action without it inserting the actions when I paste is to paste the code into another editor like BBEdit and then break the code with a "--" at the start or something and then paste into that action and then remove the --. If there is a better way to do this without having it actually paste the action I'd love to know.
Perhaps not the most efficient way to do this but it works.
Create Action - Comment (White) Macro (v11.0.3)
Yes, that's exactly what I do.
Added. I also added CK Barlow’s course.
Oh no, but you have Keyboard Maestro, right?
Insert Insert XML By Pasting Action Macro
Insert Insert XML By Pasting Action.kmmacros (4.1 KB)
This is definitely getting very meta at this point.
That's a very neat solution.
It's only Keyboard Maestro but I like it!
Thanks and that is helpful, I hadn't seen that course before.
Thank you, that is very handy!