First, Excel is highly scriptable, using either/both AppleScript and/or Excel VBA. So I would not use UI scripting with it unless there is definitely no other way.
When you say "UI Browser" I'm not sure if you actually mean that tool/app, or just using System Events.
If you don't own UI Browser, then I'd suggest that your invest in Script Debugger 6. It's scope is much broader than UI Browser, and it does NOT do exactly what UI Browser does, but, using SD6 Explorers you can learn a lot.
So for example, this simple script:
tell application "System Events"
end tell
without running the script, just place your cursor in the first line, and open the SD live inspector. You will see something like this:
Which shows you all UI elements currently visible (but maybe not obviously so).
You can then drill down into the UI element of interest to find what you are looking for.
If you find Vectorworks in the element list, then drill down in it.
You can also do something similar with Vectorworks:
tell application "Vectorworks"
end tell
IAC, I think you will find Script Debugger 6 useful many times a day, if you do much AppleScripting.
They do provide a free, fully functional, 30-day trial.