I am trying to pass the following as a single url which will allow the receipient on a smart phone or an email user to click on the link and load up a web page. My result gives me a broken link because of the space in the link.
URL I am passing:
http://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/bdIaMdAg6z2?element_0=%Variable%Client Name%&element_1=%Variable%Bank Name%&element_2=%Variable%Product%&element_3=%Variable%Account number%&element_4=%Variable%Our Ref%&element_5=%Variable%Start date%
Result which is broken:
http://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/bdIaMdAg6z2?element_0=Ali Demirtas&element_1=Baerclays &element_2=BIC Building Insurance Cover – Claim case&element_3=16161625252&element_4=cppi1234&element_5=12/01/20154
How can I get the result as a single url