URL splits when passed as a variable

I am trying to pass the following as a single url which will allow the receipient on a smart phone or an email user to click on the link and load up a web page. My result gives me a broken link because of the space in the link.

URL I am passing:

http://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/bdIaMdAg6z2?element_0=%Variable%Client Name%&element_1=%Variable%Bank Name%&element_2=%Variable%Product%&element_3=%Variable%Account number%&element_4=%Variable%Our Ref%&element_5=%Variable%Start date%

Result which is broken:

http://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/bdIaMdAg6z2?element_0=Ali Demirtas&element_1=Baerclays &element_2=BIC Building Insurance Cover – Claim case&element_3=16161625252&element_4=cppi1234&element_5=12/01/20154

How can I get the result as a single url

I believe you need to URL encode the result before sending it off. You can do so by filtering either the clipboard or the variable in which the URL is stored (depending on how your macro is set up, of course) with "Percent Encode for URL", which should give you this result:


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Perfect thank you for your response.

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