URL Token for Vivaldi web browser

I switched from Safari and Chrome to Vivaldi web browser, but my biggest loss is not being to use KM URL token with Vivaldi. Is there a way to configure KM to make that happen? I have a macro of course that does the two steps of selecting the URL window and copying the URL, but I would love to grab a URL from within any application. Appreciate feedback.

Hi @Bakari45,

It should work, according to
actions:Execute a JavaScript in Browser [Keyboard Maestro Wiki]

Front Browser supports these bundle IDs:

  • com.apple.Safari
  • com.apple.SafariTechnologyPreview
  • com.google.Chrome
  • com.google.Chrome.canary
  • com.brave.Browser
  • com.vivaldi.Vivaldi

See also:

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Oh okay, use the Front Bowser token. I didn't see that option. I read through all your guys comments and was totally lost, but when I saw "Front Browser" in someone's comment, I thought I'd just check for that token..

So yes, the Front Browser token for Vivaldi works.

Thanks, really appreciate it.