To sum it up:
There are two (not more) crucial differences between LaunchBar and Alfred:
Alfred is entirely relying on the Spotlight index. (That’s also the reason that Alfred doesn’t consume any RAM or CPU resources, as opposed to LaunchBar.)
In Alfred you can assign hotkeys the usual way, i.e Modifier+Key. That‘s a pretty limited name space, since most of the combinations are already occupied. In LaunchBar you can assign abbreviations like
to launch a script calledLaunch My Script
. On top of that you don’t even have to assign the abbreviation explicitly, since LB is learning that from your use.
So, strictly unnecessary to say it, there is no reason to ever use Alfred instead of LB, except when you are low on resources (CPU, RAM). Indeed I’m considering to use Alfred as a “Low Energy” Replacement of LaunchBar on my future KabyLake MacBook Pro
But, I think, by tweaking LB’s index appropriately, I can obtain the same (energy-efficient) results, without having to resort to Alfred.