I'm trying to create a macro with Keyboard Maestro in Pro Tools, to strip silence of a big audio file, and mark the ins and outs of every clip that has been created (it doesn't need to be perfect there). My issue is, I'm not sure how I can make it stop (e.g. how can KM recognise that there are no more clips to mark, and then needs to break the loop). Any ideas? Thanks everyone.
You could have it select the Length of the clip, copy and store it as a variable — then when there's no more clip at the end of the timeline the length will be zero. Use an IF/THEN to break the loop.
This may seem a pedantic point, but I hope it might help bring clarity. The question is not how Keyboard Maestro will recognise that there are no more clips, but how your macro will. In other words, you need to (1) work out the logic of the sequence of events needed and (2) implement that in your macro. These are related but distinct challenges.
For (1), @Larry_Mah suggests an imaginative approach. You could consider that as well as any other ideas that occur.
For (2), you will need to know how to arrange actions in your macro to produce the desired result.
Current users of Pro Tools can help you with (1). There are far more people here who will be able to help you with (2), but you will need to ask specific questions to get specific answers.