What Causes a Palette with Multiple Macros from one HotKey?

What is this telling me?


Hi @rphillipchuk, that is a Conflict Palette. It has popped up because you have the same trigger (⌃⌥⌘C) assigned to two different Macros. You can click on the one you want to run. Or type the symbol in grey (in this case :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: or the space bar to run the Macro by a key press).

The Conflict Palette is not a "bad" thing. In fact it is a great way to run Macros. You can read more in this very recent thread:

Suggestion: Rename "Conflict Palette" to Make It Sound More Positive



You have been a great help ! Thank you

Ron from Canada

I hope you don't mind that I have revised your topic title to better reflect the behavior you have observed.

What does this mean?

What Causes a Palette with Multiple Macros from one HotKey?

This will greatly help you attract more experienced users to help solve your problem, and will help future readers find your question, and the solution.

Conflict palettes are great. They get you by two keystrokes (if you're careful) to run a function.

(By "careful" I mean such devices as putting a number (or a letter) at the front of each macro name.)

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