What don't I understand about the new Custom Prompt features?

There must be something elementary I am overlooking about the new KM10 features for the Custom Prompt action as described in the Custom Prompt wiki.

It doesn’t return a slider or color well for me, even though in the example macro below I have it configured exactly as it appears in the screenshot on the wiki entry.

This is what mine shows:

What am I missing here? :thinking:


custom prompt.kmmacros (2.4 KB)

Macro screenshot (click to expand/collapse)

You need to use the tiny arrows at the right end of the input boxes to set the type—change them from Automatic to Slider and Color, respectively.



Haha man I can barely even see those things :sweat_smile:

I’ll take a look at it in the morning. Thanks so much!

@griffman that did it, thanks for the sanity check :laughing:

Such a pity that there are no values above the slider. Or did a miss something?

There aren’t. Maybe in the future though.