What is the fastest way to open current Chrome URL in Safari?

I have this macro currently :

open current url in safari.kmmacros (20.8 KB)

But it's not as fast as I like. I also have this applescript for doing the same thing from Safari side which is really fast :

if application "Safari" is running then
	tell application "Safari"
			set currentSafariURL to URL of current tab of front window
			set pageName to name of current tab of front window
		on error
			return "There are no pages open in Safari at the moment"
		end try
	end tell
	tell application "Google Chrome"
		# If Chrome has no windows open make a new window
		if (count of windows) is 0 then make new window
		set currentChromeURL to URL of active tab of front window
		# Don't do anything if the page is already open in Chrome
		if currentChromeURL is not currentSafariURL then
			# If the active tab is in use make a new tab
			if currentChromeURL is not "chrome://newtab/" then
				make new tab at end of tabs of front window
			end if
			# Open the URL from Safari
			set URL of active tab of front window to currentSafariURL
			return "The current Safari tab is already open in Chrome"
		end if
	end tell
	# Enable the following line to post notifications after sending URLs to Chrome
	--return "Opening '" & pageName & "' in Chrome"
	return "Safari is not open at the moment"
end if

I tried to fiddle with the script in Script Debugger but I don't really know how to convert it to do the same thing but from chrome side.

Thank you for any help.

Oh and I did find this :

tell application "Google Chrome"
	set tab_list to every tab in the front window
	repeat with the_tab in tab_list
		set the_url to the URL of the_tab
		tell application "Safari" to open location the_url
	end repeat
end tell

I am just not sure how to then switch to the correct tab in Safari. :disappointed:

This modified script seems to work for me:

if application "Google Chrome" is running then
  tell application "Google Chrome"
      set currentChromeURL to URL of active tab of front window
      set pageName to title of active tab of front window
    on error
      return "There are no pages open in Chrome at the moment"
    end try
  end tell
  tell application "Safari"
    # If Safari has no windows open make a new window
    if (count of windows) is 0 then make new window
    set currentSafariURL to URL of current tab of front window
    # Don't do anything if the page is already open in Safari
    if currentSafariURL is not currentChromeURL then
      # If the current tab is in use make a new tab with the current Chrome URL
      if currentSafariURL is not "favorites://" then
        tell window 1
          set current tab to (make new tab with properties {URL:currentChromeURL})
        end tell
      end if
      # If the current tab is showing Favorites, open the URL from Chrome
      set URL of current tab of front window to currentChromeURL
      return "The current Chrome tab is already open in Safari"
    end if
  end tell
  # Enable the following line to post notifications after sending URLs to Chrome
  --return "Opening '" & pageName & "' in Chrome"
  return "Safari is not open at the moment"
end if

One caveat: this assumes that new Safari tabs open with Favorites. If you have new tabs or windows set to open a different URL, you’ll need to modify this line in the script to that URL:

if currentSafariURL is not "favorites://" then
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This works perfectly @gglick

Thank you so much. :blue_heart:

Happy to help :slightly_smiling_face:

One further thought: if you really want the absolute fastest performance, you may be able to eke out a few more milliseconds with a compiled script file rather than a text script. Try downloading and unzipping this:

Open Current Chrome URL in Safari.zip (3.1 KB)

Move the unzipped script file somewhere safe (perhaps a Scripts folder on Dropbox or the like) then drag it into the appropriate KM macro to automatically create an Execute an AppleScript action that runs the compiled script rather than the text version (make sure to disable or delete the old text-based version if you do this, of course). I can't guarantee this will be noticeably faster, but if you want fastest, this is it :slightly_smiling_face:

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This seems pretty easy and fast:

Open a URL.kmactions (623 B)

Personally, I tend to use an AppleScript solution that looks at the current Chrome/Safari state and decides whether to open a new window or not, but for the simple case, this action is pretty easy and fast.


That script - to look at the current Chrome/Safari state and decide whether to open a new window or not - that's what I want to do. Would I be able to get that script?
My issue is that I want to know if a url is already being used and if it is, then to go to that tab, and if not, create a new tab.
What's happening is that as I'm working on my computer, a student will message me in Google Classroom. I go to their message, then possibly need to get to one of the other Google Classroom pages I've set up in stream Deck. When I execute that button, it opens a new tab, even if perhaps that url may already be open in one of the existing tabs. It would save some clutter if I could go to the already open on.