Why does my Google Chrome macro only work when I manually activate it?

Why does my Google Chrome macro only work when I manually activate it?

= by clicking on it,

Here is the file :

Comment.kmactions (0.4 KB)

and screendump:

Step one: display any results and find out if the script is failing.

Hey Omar,

You mistakenly posted a single comment-action and not the whole macro.


First, that URL requires that you authenticate with bitly in advance. I get this:

In KM you could do this, and skip the AppleScript, I think:

That's as far as I could go, as I don't want to use bitly at the moment. I think you'd be better off with the curl solution, and an API key. That will work anywhere.

Hi and good day,

First of all here is the macro again.

The KM macros palette -> does not pop-up !

••• UPDATE: It does pop up sometimes, mostly not, and a MacOS error sound is heard.


So the macro does not work AND the macros palette is invisible.

Keyboard Maestro Actions.kmactions (3.6 KB)

with best regards,
Omar K N
Stockholm, Sweden

Hi and good day Peter,

The script is NOT failing by itself - when I run it with “Try”.

However I don’t have the slightest idea what result I should use, please refer to posting here immediately above.

BTW, should I reinstall KM?

I looked into the log when it was working in the morning:

2015-12-18 10:47:45 Execute macro ‘get bitly url test3’ from trigger Duplicate Macro Palette

However now (and even earlier) nothing goes, I get an Apple error sound, and no log entry.

Probably I missed something important!

Please any assistance is welcome.

with best regards,
Omar K N
Stockholm, Sweden

Hey Omar,

Please export the macro itself – NOT the macro actions.

You do that by selecting the macro in the macro list – NOT the actions in the action-list.


ok got it:

get bitly url test3.kmmacros (6.1 KB)



I built the same macro with the same actions ( I added a 0.3 pause at the start ) and now it’s working.

Thanks everyone!
Omar K N

Good man!  :smile:
