Wiki Update: AppleScript and Scripting Pages

@Tom, of course that gives an error, but you are taking one line out of context of the complete script shown on the wiki, and thus not accounting for the prior line:

set myKMVar to "My KM Var Name"

###The Complete Script on the Wiki

### Requires Keyboard Maestro 7.1+ ###
--- Set AppleScript Variables to KM Variable Name and Value ---
set myKMVar to "My KM Var Name"
set myASVar to "TBD" -- default value of KM variable, will be updated
tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
  ### GET ###
  -- IF KM Variable does NOT exist, the AS Variable will be set to empty string --
  set myASVar to getvariable myKMVar
  ### SET ###
  -- IF KM Variable does NOT exist, it will be created --
  setvariable myKMVar to myASVar
end tell

Also, right below that, I show an example of using the KM Variable name explicitly:

tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
  set mainStr to getvariable "SCPT__MainString"
  set subStr to getvariable "SCPT__StringToFind"
end tell

Perhaps this is a matter of style and/or preference, but I think the Wiki shows both methods, and the user can choose which he/she prefers.

Finally, any user who has previously used AppleScript to a reasonable degree will understand the concept of using either a variable or quoted text when an AppleScript command requires text data.

Let's see if we get comments from any other KM Forum users about this. I certainly want the Wiki to be clear and useful.

Thanks for your feedback and suggestions.