Write a nice looking movie review with Day One

This macro is designed for Day One (4.0). You can generate a nice looking movie review by answering only a few guiding questions.


To configure it, you need:

  1. An OMDb API key. You can get a free one from www.omdbapi.com/apikey.aspx. Before run this macro, make sure that you input the correct API key to the related field of the action which is labeled in orange.

  2. Day One Command Line Interface (CLI). Follow the guide to install: https://help.dayoneapp.com/en/articles/435871-command-line-interface-cli

And a movie poster will be saved in ~/Pictures/. You can change the path in the last two actions, which is labeled in green. If you decide to change, you have to change them both.

In the final action, you can also change the layout, specify a journal, and add tags for the entry.


If everything works fine, your movie review will be like this:


Movie Review (Day One) Macro (v9.0)

Movie Review (Day One).kmmacros (15 KB)

Additional comments

The same function can be easily implemented via Shortcuts on iOS. I made one before, but the guiding questions are in Chinese. (Download)

If you have any idea to improve this macro, welcome to share.