Get clean URL from a short link

This is a macro which automatically gets the full URL from a short link in your clipboard and pastes the long full URL into the system long clipboard, waiting for your cmd+v to happen.

IMPORTANT - You need to have python 3 installed on your mac. The default pre-installed python on a mac is python 2. My script can be tweaked a bit for python 2, if you know python 2. If not first install python 3 and then run the macro.

Do you have a way to get a short URL from a long link? If it was in the clipboard?

You will need to know how to work with the API of the shortening service you are using. To be honest, I never shorten links so I am not going to invest my time in creating a macro for it.

But you can take inspiration from this … Modular URL shortening TextExpander snippets - All this —

This uses the API of Google link shortening service.

Alternatively, if you are not the do it yourself type, then you can search Google extensively. You are bound to get a decent approach.

The link you provided looks interesting. I will look that over. But after reviewing this some, I am starting to think shortening is a security issue with regard to some of the things I share. So I might wind up in your camp of “not shortening”…