I am trying to use the "Open 1Password Bookmark" action. However, I cannot select the bookmark in the drop down in KM. I have enabled the advanced option in 1password. Is there something else that I am missing to make this work?
I am trying to use the "Open 1Password Bookmark" action. However, I cannot select the bookmark in the drop down in KM. I have enabled the advanced option in 1password. Is there something else that I am missing to make this work?
1Password changed their bookmarks format in v7, and while they were kind enough to tell me about the new format before the change, I have not implemented yet.
I can't help you with @Xacto. I would have an autofill macro, which you can embed if you open an app, the user account etc. and want to log in securely via 1Password.
Similar, but faster than iOS
If you are interested...
Appleianer, sure that would be great!
So, here is a guide to the 1Password autofill Login @Xacto.
Here is the macro you can use to login with your admin password in the system settings. Especially under the permission madness under macOS Mojave this is a real time saving.
PopClip : 1Password Forum Macros.kmmacros (125,6 KB)
What you have to consider when setting up, I show in this video:
You can use the macro to login to various logins. If you still need examples or have questions about a specific app, please contact me. If I also use this app, I will gladly create the macro for it for you.
Greetings from Germany
Peter, somehow I completely missed this KM Action.
I am very interested in using 1PW with KM, and it appears that other users are as well. Any change you could bump the priority of fixing this Action to work with 1PW 7?
I have seen many users trying to use KM as a PW manager, and, IMO, that is very unsafe. They are much better of using a dedicated PW manager like 1PW. So, obviously it would be a great selling point for KM tgo work with 1PW 7.
Thank you so much for sharing this! I will definitely look into this.
BTW, What are you using for the screen capture/clipboard? Is that a KM macro or a separate program?
I use the Mac App Yoink for the fast screenshots @Xacto, like in the video. I created an AppleScript and integrated it into KM.
Here in this video I created some examples:
Basically, no. In any event, “might be in the next version” is as high as the priority gets (except for “already done for the next version”, which this is not).
The new export format 1Password uses is considerably more complex than the previous one, so it will take a fair amount of doing to make it work. It may happen for the next version, but it also may not.
Peter, thanks for the update. Would be nice to have it sooner, but now that we know how to search 1PW Mini, we have another method:
The Open 1Password Bookmark action is updated to support 1Password 7 for the next version of Keyboard Maestro.
Outstanding Peter!
Thank you very much.